Staff: Nancy Lupiano, Melanie Cruz, Silvia Vivanco, Susie Johnson
Monday 18 November
- 1700: Informal NARALO Leaders meeting with Christopher Mondini, Joe Catapano, Garth Bruen, Glenn McKnight and Darlene Thompson
Room: Coffee place Express Cafe on ground floor, Sheraton Hotel
- 1830: Informal meeting with Kuek and APRALO members on the sidelines of the LARALO Showcase
Meeting room : Golden Horn
0800 – 0900: Current and incoming AFRALO Leadership informal meeting
Meeting room: Retiro CLa Pampa
Invitees: Fatimata Seye Sylla, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Aziz Hilali, Hadja Ouattara, Mohamed El BashirApology: Philip , Philip Johnson
Remote Participation/: Yaovi Atohoun
Adigo 3535
1330 - 1430: FBSC informal meeting
Meetings to be confirmed:
Meeting room: La Pampa
Invitees: members of the Working Group present in Buenos Aires
Remote participation: Skype
1700: ALAC Working Groups and other ALAC activities
Invitees: Rafid Fatani, Leon Felipe Sanchez, Olivier Crépin-Leblond