Adobe Connect Room: http://icann.na3.acrobat.com/atlargedirector08102009/
Participants: At-Large Director Appointment Process Participants 27 January 2010
Apologies: V.C.Vivekanandan, Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Andrés Piazza, Vanda Scartezini
Interpretation Available: SPANISH
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Recording: English, Spanish
Transcript:English, Spanish
Proposed Time-Frame for the At-Large Director Appointment:
As the concluding step in the community consultation about the At-Large Director Selection process this telephonic opportunity is to discuss the recently released White Paper on this important issue - see director white paper - we invite you to join this conference, and to place your comments individual or collective in the section below.
2. General Review and Discussion of White Paper and comments received so far - 30 min
Speaker order and time limits will apply (see notes at Agenda Item 2 above)
6. Next Steps - 5 min
Questions About Legal or Other Issues - use this page to ask questions about other issues which you think may impact upon the development of the process. The Staff will ensure they get transmitted to the right staff person to get the answers.