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Date: 6 October 2014 (13:00-14:30 UTC)


Members: Wanawit Ahkuputra; Jaap Akkerhuis; Fouad Bajwa; Graeme Bunton; Fatima Cambronero; Olivier Crépin-Leblond; Avri Doria; Robert Guerra; Seun Ojedeji; Jonathan Robinson; Greg Shatan. 


**Please let me (Grace) know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**

Action Items



Proposed Agenda

The proposed agenda for this meeting is as follows:

  1. Welcome & introductions 
  2. Review of CWG Charter (see
  3. CWG Leadership structure & formation
  4. Outreach & participation, e.g. possible letter to IGC
  5. Logistics & practicalities
    • Timeline
    • Planning for F2F meeting in Los Angeles (possible engagement with ICG, topics for discussion – development of work plan, ICG RFP) 
  6. Confirm next steps & next meeting 

Action Items

  1. All to review charter and all related materials (incl. IANA contract) in detail 
  2. Support to have co-chairs from ccNSO & GNSO - further consideration to be given to idea of having additional chairs and/or vice-chairs
  3. All participants to actively encourage and facilitate participation & input 
  4. Support for letter to ICG to seek assistance and co-operation from ICG to reach out beyond the ICANN community
  5. Chuck Gomes and Allan MacGillivray to submit suggestions to the list to commence work & work plan
  6. Staff to aggregate all relevant documents regarding policy issues contained in IANA contract (see also ICG RFP)



  1. Staff to aggregate all relevant documents regarding policy issues contained in IANA contract (see also ICG RFP)


The transcript is available here: Meeting1_6Oct2014.doc

AR: Meeting1_6Oct2014-ar.docx

ES: Meeting1_6Oct2014-es.doc

FR: Meeting1_6Oct2014-fr.doc

PT: Meeting1_6Oct2014-pt.doc

RU: Meeting1_6Oct2014-ru.docx

ZH: Meeting1_6Oct2014-ZH.doc


The Adobe Connect recording for today's call is available here:


  Alissa Cooper:Is the version of the charter "circulated for adoption" the same as the final version?At https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/gnsocwgdtstwrdshp/pages/98468103/Charter

  Chuck Gomes (RySG):All of us should become very familiar with the charter.


  Marika Konings:Please also note that the information on the wiki is publicly available (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/37fhAgCIDeBQ)

  Marika Konings:@Fouad - yes, they will be


  Grace Abuhamad:Alissa's response to Jonathan's and Byron's letter: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/_B7xAg6YHeBQ

  James Gannon:Yes can we look at scheduling for future calls and conflicts with other ICG workstreams
