The buddy system experience between you and the newcomer will be expected to finish if either: six months expires, or either party requests it. The buddy system is an informal training experience. This means that if either the buddy or the newcomer wishes so, they may not be involved in this experience anymore. It could also occur that the newcomer is allocated another buddy, and the buddy may also be allocated to a different newcomer. Contact the program coordinator if you have any questions. IMPORTANT NOTE: This is an NCUC ONLY program for NCUC members. It is not affiliated with ICANN fellowship or any other coaching programs. If members have previously been a part of any other program, they can still enroll in which ever role/program (Buddy/Mentor) they desire. This program will connect you to someone who will increase engagement in NCUC. When you receive your assigned counterpart, you have 48 hours to accept or reject your pairing with an email to the program coordinator. The Program Coordinator will do their best to pair you with someone else.