- Members: Ashley Heineman, Alan Barrett, Carlton Samuels, Ching Chiao, Edowaye Makanjuola, Jonathan Robinson, Lars-Johan Liman, Mirilia Hirano, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali, Steve Conte
- Observers: /
- Apologies: Brett Carr, Rafik Dammak, Olga Cavalli
- ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Reda Josifi, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer)
- Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
- Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])
4. Discuss IFR1 Recommendations
- Links to resources: IFR1 Recommendations Report, IFR1 Public Comments [] and IFR1 Outcome.
- Discuss DRAFT Suggested IFR2 Response to Post IFR1 Recommendations.
5. Next Meeting: Tuesday, 14 January at 11:00 UTC
6. AOB, close