Action Items: EN and ES
Recording: EN, ES
Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN, ES
Adobe Connect Meeting Room: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/lacralo
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
ES: Juan Manuel Rojas, Alyne Andrade, Cristian Casas, Vanda Scartezini , Humberto Carrasco, Yuyuqui Loqui, Sergio Salinas Porto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Raitme Citterio,
Apologies: Aida Noblia, Olivier Crepin Leblond,
Raul Bauer
Silvia Vivanco, Heidi Ulrich, Susie Johnson
Veronica and David
Call management:
Susie Johnson
AGENDA - Espanol:
Orden del día
1. Asistencia
6. Evaluación de los plazos para culminar nuestro trabajo.
7. Otros temas.
AGENDA - English
1) Roll call
2) Action Items : New themes included in the Working Group
3) Opening of Sub- Working Groups and their composition
4) Working Group Methodology and Metrics
3. Report of the Metrics Sub - group (Alberto Soto)
4. Report of the Rules of Procedure Sub - group (Yuyuqui Loqui)
5. Report of the Operating Principles Sub group (Vanda Scartezini)
6. Evaluation of the timeframe to finalize our work
7. Other issues.