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Decisions Reached:
- Final report is adopted, pending any last objections before Friday 7 September 2018, 23:59 UTC.
- Rec. 15 and new text for details section of recommendation 17 is approved:
"Such a procedure would apply if ICANN Compliance were not the right body to resolve a complaint related to DNS Security Abuse, is ill-suited or unable to do so and the registry operators or registrars are identified as having excessive levels of abuse. It may be useful for Compliance to be able to refer a case to the DADRP. The Community should determine the conditions under which a complainant can invoke a DADRP."
- P11: Updated text of the Executive Summary has been approved
- P130 : “fairly substantial” and “anecdotal” were removed.
P138: Reference was added to details section of recommendation 28
Implementation Agents are confirmed: David Taylor, Drew Bagley, Jonathan Zuck, Jordyn Buchanan, Laureen Kapin.