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PROPOSED AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Welcome / DOI 3. Review redrafted objectives and examples (see updated mind map attached) i. Review and discuss input received concerning redrafted objectives [See latest draft attached which aims to address comments received to date] ii. Review and discuss input received on definition of ‘open internet’ [See updated overview attached. Maybe the definition circulated by Daniel can be the starting point for this discussion?] iii. Review examples – [It may be worth asking a small group to review the examples that have been provided in light of the draft objective – provided there is preliminary agreement on the draft – to make an initial determination whether or not the examples provided would be considered consistent with the objective as well as ICANN’s mission?] 4. Review response received from the ICANN Board and possible next steps 5. Update on status of input from ICANN Finance & Legal on the different options that have been discussed in relation to charter question #7 – should ICANN Org have a role in the solicitation and evaluation of proposals (e.g. through internal structure - new unit, within ICANN; externally - new built entity that would only focus on this work; externally - working with already existing entities) 6. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Thursday 21 September at 14.00 UTC). BACKGROUND DOCUMENTS Objectives redefined - upd 4 September 2017.pdf |
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Dial outs: Kavouss Arasteh, Arsene Tungali, Marika Konings (staff) Apologies: Carolina Caeiro, Elliot Noss, John Levine, Becky Burr, Matthew Shears, Kavouss Arasteh, Judith Hellerstein, Vanda Scartezini, Seun Ojedeji |
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Notes/ Action Items These high-level notes are designed to help the CCWG navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://community.icann.org/x/DLHDAw.
1. Roll Call
2. Welcome / DOI
3. Review redrafted objectives and examples i. Review and discuss input received concerning redrafted objectives
New gTLD Auction Proceeds are expected to be allocated in a manner consistent with ICANN’s mission. ICANN staff: |
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Notes/ Action Items
Action item #1: CCWG to review proposed objectives for new gTLD Auction Proceeds fund allocation that achieved preliminary agreement by those on the call (see above). If there are any concerns or objections, members/participants are encouraged to share these with the mailing list as soon as possible.
Action item #2: Staff to create list of preliminary agreements to which this agreement and previous one will be added.
ii. Review and discuss input received on definition of ‘open internet’
Action item #3: Staff to circulate google doc link to the mailing list. (see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HV3dzTkKIYCyiRbzPW3Uk3MctwK0BQTth39DitIW-L4/edit?usp=sharing[docs.google.com]) Action item #4: CCWG to review Open Internet Definition as available on the google doc link and suggest updates/changes for CCWG consideration Action item #5: Sam Einsner to review language and provide feedback on whether there are any concerns from an ICANN Org perspective
iii. Review examples
Action item #6: Staff to create google doc with all examples received to date and invite CCWG to comment on how each of those examples is consistent with the proposed objectives as well as ICANN's mission.
4. Review response received from the ICANN Board and possible next steps
Action item #7: CCWG to review their respective SOI/DOIs and make sure that these are up to date.
5. Update on status of input from ICANN Finance & Legal on the different options that have been discussed in relation to charter question #7 – should ICANN Org have a role in the solicitation and evaluation of proposals (e.g. through internal structure - new unit, within ICANN; externally - new built entity that would only focus on this work; externally - working with already existing entities)
6. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Thursday 21 September at 14.00 UTC).