Action Items from the 2021-03-15 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- roberto.gaetanoto capture discussion on the need to add text summarizing the discussion on rejected individual membership and ALAC appeal under "Next Steps."
- roberto.gaetanoto move item 4 to second part of the list
- @Roberto to review/resolve remaining comments.
- Yesim Saglam and Claudia Ruiz to update metrics statistics in the report.
- Next Steps for the UIM-WP Report: When all the changes have been made, the Report to be sent by Heidi Ullrichto UIM-WP list for 48 hours.
- Alan Greenberg to replace the definition of RALO Individual Member.
Action Items from the 2021-03-01 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- roberto.gaetanoto check whether the set of criteria if individual members is set or not depending on the history of the reasons why ALS have been rejected (Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated)and Heidi Ullrichto send RG the information)
- Heidi Ullrichto open an issue on Why ALSes have been rejected in the past.
- Claudia Ruiz to create a Google doc vs 3 only open to RG at the start.
Action Items from the 2021-01-18 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- Heidi Ullrich and roberto.gaetano to communicate which Issues are to be closed.
- roberto.gaetano will edit title 7, adding "keep RALOs informed through an Annual Report".
- roberto.gaetano to produce an updated version of the draft report incorporating comments received to date.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next UIM-WG call on 25 January at the same time.
Action Items from the 2021-01-11 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- Carve out for RALOs that group their individuals into an ALS is possible.
- roberto.gaetano to review all issues through a privacy perspective.
Action Items from the 2021-01-04 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- Individual Members need to be on their RALO's public email list.
- Members are to make comments on the draft UIM-WP Report.
- Heidi Ullrich to create a Voting issues wiki page.
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next UIM-WP call on Monday, 11 January at 18:00 UTC.
Action items: 2020-12-21 Unaffiliated Individuals Mobilization Working Party Call
- Staff to create a running AI page for this call, not weekly. Heidi Ullrich Alperen Eken
- Review terminology about acceptance and replace with an appropriate word roberto.gaetano