- GG to Gisella Gruber to add a Saturday afternoon session on capacity building with the GAC and NCSG. This is a follow up to the Joint GAC/ALAC statement on simple language.
- Update on CCWG and other key issues that At-Large has been involved in.
- Gisella Gruber to add a session on the ATRT3 update on Sunday.
- Gisella Gruber Maureento invite the GNSO leadership team to a 30 min session. Meeting to be on Thursday.
- Gisella Gruber Heidi Ullrich to invite Goran/Cherine/Leon and new Board Chair (cc David Olive) to ALAC Wrap Up - total 30-40 min slot.
- Maureen Gisella Gruber to invite NomCom Leadership (NCRIWG LT) during ICANN 66 (try for Sunday for 20 mins). If not then schedule a meeting post ATLAS III to speak with the ALAC or ALT - to discuss rebalancing, etc.
- Gisella Gruber Maureen to organize informal At-Large Leadership breakfasts throughout the week.