Note : Only a subset of Recommendations from the ATLAS II Summit for the Outreach are listed here. See Post-ATLAS II Activities Workspace for the full set of recommendations
- Outreach
- Capacity Building
- Finance and Budget
- Define 'programmes' that brought valuable members to the community.
- Leadership Training
- Next Gen
- Fellowship
- Regional Strategic Plans
- Language Services
- Online courses
- RALO Face-to-Face General Assembly
- Continue & increase support for the aforementioned programs
- Identify the appropriate staff members as recipient
- Need to think of ways to optimize budget
- Continue to provide support for people to follow ICANN activities remotely:
- Cameras (more rooms, not just the ALAC ones)
- Remote Hubs
- Capacity Building WG / Outreach SC to develop a proposal in coordination with the GSE staff and then send the proposal for Board review.
- The proposal can be expanded on the relevant items listed in the appendix of the ATLAS II Declaration.
- Africa Engagement Strategy has been successful
- Not sure whether the engagement strategy in other regions are as good as the Africa engagement strategy
- Indigenous population
- Find out what regions don't have any ICANN presence (e.g. Dev's spreadsheet for LAC region)
- Stakeholder map across all the SOs/ACs/SGs is needed
- Stakeholder engagement strategy has been successful
- Examples of effective campaigns:
- LAC Road Show
- Outreach
- Social Media
- Outreach
- Capacity Building
- Contact Nora Abusitta about this
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