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Comment: Fix links.


Members:  Avri Doria, Donna Austin, Eduardo Diaz, Elise Lindeberg, Graeme Bunton, Greg Shatan, Jaap Akkerhuis, Jonathan Robinson, Lise Fuhr, Maarten Simon, Manal Ismail, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Olivier Crepin-LeBlond, Paul Kane, Seun Ojedeji, Staffan Jonson ,  (13)

Participants:  Alan Greenberg, Allan MacGillivray, Andrew Sullivan, Carolina Aguerre, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, Chuck Gomes, Desiree Miloshevic, Gary Hunt, John Poole, Paul , Maarten Simon, Manal Ismail, Mark Carvell, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Paul Szyndler, Peter Van Roste, Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Stephanie Duchesneau, Suzanne Woolf, Tomohiro Fujisaki, Wale Bakare, Yasuichi Kitamura   (23)

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad

Apologies:   Brenden Kuerbis

**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**


Action: Martin/Lise to finalize Principles document within next two weeks



Transcript CWG IANA #22 19 FEB.doc

Transcript CWG IANA #22 19 FEB.pdf


The Adobe Connect recording is available here:

The audio recording is available here:


Documents Presented

Chat Transcript

  Grace Abuhamad:Hi

Documents Presented





Draft list of CWG Task Forces 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf

Guidelines for a CWG Task Force 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf

Template for a CWG Task Force19Feb2015.pdf

WorkMethods 19 Feb 2015 (JR Edit).pdf

Chat Transcript

  Grace Abuhamad:Hi everyone -- welcome to the CWG-Stewardship meeting #22. The meeting will begin at 11:00 UTC. In the meantime, I've loaded the project plan for you. This was sent along with the agenda yesterday and will be discussed under item 6.


  Grace Abuhamad:Also on Wiki

  Elise Lindeberg GAC:yes, Grace - very useful :)
