- The GSNO Council approves the charter and appoints [to be confirmed] Jeff Neuman as the GNSO Council Liaison to the Policy & Implementation Working Group.
- The GNSO Council further directs that the call for volunteers to form the Policy & Implementation Working Group be initiated no later than 7 days after the approval of this motion.
Until such time as the WG can select a chair and that chair can be confirmed by the GNSO Council, the GNSO Council Liaison shall act as interim chair.
3. Motion on the Adoption of the Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Policy Development Process Final Report and Recommendations
Made by: Jeff Neumann
Seconded by: Yoav Keren and Zahid Jamil
1. On 15 December 2011, the GNSO Council launched a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings to make recommendations to the GNSO Council to address the issues identified with the locking of a domain name subject to UDRP Proceedings.
2. This PDP has followed the prescribed PDP steps as stated in the Bylaws, resulting in a Final Report delivered on 5 July 2013;
3. The Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings WG has reached full consensus on the recommendations in relation to addressing the issues identified with the locking of a domain name subject to UDRP Proceedings;
4. The GNSO Council has reviewed and discussed these recommendations.
Now therefore be it resolved,
1. The GNSO Council recommends to the ICANN Board of Directors the adoption of the Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings recommendations as detailed in the Final Report http://gnso.icann.org/en/issues/locking/domain-name-final-05jul13-en.pdf
2. The GNSO Council shall convene a Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Implementation Review Team to assist ICANN Staff in developing the implementation details for the new policy should it be approved by the ICANN Board. The Implementation Review Team will be tasked with evaluating the proposed implementation of the policy recommendations as approved by the Board and is expected to work with ICANN Staff to ensure that the resultant implementation fulfills the intentions of the approved policy recommendations. If the Implementation Review Team identifies any potential modifications to the policy recommendations or need for new policy recommendations, the Implementation Review Team shall refer these to the GNSO Council for its consideration and follow-up, as appropriate. Following adoption by the ICANN Board of the recommendations, the GNSO Secretariat is authorized to issue a call for volunteers for a Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Implementation Review Team to the members of the Locking of a Domain Name subject to UDRP Proceedings Working Group.