Resolved, the GNSO Council will conduct a review by end of September, 2012, to determine whether the RAA PDP has commenced and has included the issue of an SLA for web and port 43 WHOIS access in its remit or whether alternative approaches to establishing such an SLA should be pursued.
MotIon withdrawn 27 June2012
GNSO Council Motion to Approve Internationalized Registration Data Working Group Final Report
30 May 2012
Made by: Stéphane van Gelder
Seconded by: Zahid Jamil
WHEREAS, on 21 April 2009, the ICANN Security and Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) published SAC037 "Display and usage of Internationalized Registration Data" (SAC037).
WHEREAS, in September 2009 the GNSO Council approved the Charter of the IRD-WG.
WHEREAS, on 15 November 2010 the IRD-WG published an Interim Report in the public forum for comment.
WHEREAS, on 06 March 2012 the IRD-WG sent a Final Report that addressed issues raised in the forum to the GNSO Council and the SSAC for consideration.
WHEREAS, on 10 May 2012 the IRD-WG sent a revised Final Report that addressed changes requested by the SSAC to the GNSO Council for consideration.