Please complete your budget template and save it on this wiki workspace no later than dd/dd 2013
AFRALO - African Regional At-Large Organization
APRALO - Asian, Australasian and Pacific Islands Regional At-Large Organization
EURALO - European Regional At-Large Organization
LACRALO - Latin American and Caribbean Islands Regional At-Large Organization
NARALO - North-American Regional At-Large Organization
The form has been designed to give you an opportunity to describe in detail the actual scope of the activity you propose, how it relates to the current Strategic Plan, and how the funds are to be implemented.
Please complete the template below for each individual new resource or activity that your community is requesting:
Regular Track Requests:
Deferred from Fast Track | 18-NARALO FY14 Budget Request - Final.pdf |
Fast Track Requests:
17-SO-AC-SG FY14 Budget Request for ALAC - Extension of ExCom Travel Support - Finalrev1.pdf
18-NARALO FY14 Budget Request - Final.pdf
19-EURALO FY14 Budget Request - Finalrev2.pdf
20-APRALO FY14 Budget Request - Finalrev2.pdf
21-AFRALO FY14 Budget Request -Finalrev3.pdf