- Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Florian Hule and erich.schweighofer to formulate a question on the option to have EURALO as unincorporated association under Swiss law.
By Laws drafters to consider the incorporation of a note "in accordance to National and European data protection law protection law" in article 8.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send an email to ALAC's Chair for clarifiction clarification with regards to GDPR compliance by RALOs .
Florian Houle Hule to send the By Laws Draft toTask to Task Force members for feedback for one week.
Olivier Crépin-Leblond to request ICANN's legal department to check this the EURALO By laws draft once the draft it is in final form.
Silvia Vivanco to share the APRALO rules of procedure as a model as well as ALAC ROP pertaining to RALOs and post the relevant links on a different wiki page.
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