- Recommendation 19-34-C
- Parking Revisions (1)_redline
- Parking Revisions (1)_clean
- Analysis RPM Section.pdf
- jb edits to Consolidated Recs 13 15 33 redline.pdf
- jb edits to Consolidated Recs 13 15 33 clean.pdf
- lk edits 3_6_18 Parking Revisions CLEAN.pdf
- lk edits 3_6_18 Parking Revisions REDLINE.pdf
- lk edits 3_6_18 Parking Revisions REDLINE2.pdf
Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN EN
Decisions Reached: /
Action Items:
- Recommendation 5:
add a citation to trademark holder section under 1.1
Jordyn to update paper and resubmit on next plenary call
- Consolidated Recommendations 13, 15, 33 will be discussed at the next plenary call on 21 March to allow enough time for all to review.
- Recs. 40, 41, 42:
- David to update language based on comments received.
- Jordyn to look at public comments, and TMCH, to provide suggestions to update Rec. 42
- - Drew to send out an email to review team to discuss the approach on consolidating