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This call for nominations was issued on 10 April 2015 for the various elected/selected positions within NARALO. This call is being made in accordance with the NARALO Operating Principles (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/Z44i0AWSBg). All nominees are expected to submit a brief statement explaining why they believe they are a suitable candidate and must also complete or update their Statement of Interest (see: At-Large New SOIs Workspace).


NARALO 2015 NomCom Delegate: The NA delegate to the 2013 and 2014 NomCom is Louis Houle. According to NomCom rules, a delegate may serve up to two consecutive terms. Louis has served two terms. Louis  is term limited.   NARALO must recommend a new candidate to the ALAC for selection as the NA delegate.




Next call: 08 May 2015 - NARALO Webinar to Get to Know the Candidates



10 April 2015

ALAC Nominations Open (from NARALO Operating Priniciples: At least once a year, on or before the First of July, or whenever a vacancy arises, the NARALO shall issue a call for nominations (including self-nominations) for members of the North American Internet community to serve on the ALAC. The call for nominations shall be open for at least 30 days. New ALAC members will be selected and announced sufficiently in advance of ICANN's annual meeting to allow them to be seated as required by Paragraph 10. Nominations other than self-nominations must be accepted within one week of the close of the nomination period.)

Other positions: The NARALO Operating Principles are less specific but are aligned with the ALAC selection.

9 May 2015

Nominations Close.

11 May 2015

NARALO Monthly Meeting – for positions where all nominees have either accepted or rejected the nomination (if required), the NARALO Chair will attempt to seek consensus on who to select.

16 May 2015

Deadline for Nomination Acceptance. Self-nominations need not be accepted.

18 May - 25 May 2015

For any position(s) where consensus was not reached during the NARALO meeting, an electronic poll of NARALO ALSes and unaffiliated members will be conducted.

Note: The vote procedure will be conducted based on relevant sections outlined in the NARALO Operating Principle. In an event of a tie for the NARALO ALAC Member (2015 AGM - 2017 AGM) selection, Section 19 of the NARALO Operating Principle will be applied as the current NARALO Chair Garth Bruen is a candidate for this position.

October 2015

Newly selected ALAC Members and RALO leaders shall be seated at the close of the 2015 AGM on Thursday, 22nd October 2015. The newly selected NomCom Delegate will be seated when the 2016 NomCom convenes.



Nominated and Supported by

Date Nominee Accepted

Nominee's StatementRALO ResultResultsALAC Result
Eduardo Diaz

Alan Greenberg, Stephanie Perrin, Judith Hellerstein, Evan Leibovitch, Sunish Gupta

14 April 2015

The history, perspective and experience that I have acquired during all these years with ALAC, At-Large, NARALO and ICANN as a whole will be put to good use as a NomCom delegate. 

Eduardo Diaz by consensusEduardo Diaz by endorsement vote