10 November AFRALO UA Discussion call
- Yaovi Atohoun Seda Akbulut to send us the UA session Agenda and quizzes (if any) by to At-Large staff by Monday November 14th.
- Seda Akbulut and Pitinan Kooarmornpatana will send PPT and Agenda PPTs and quizzes (if any) to At-Large staff by Tuesday November 14th15th.
- Yaovi Atohoun to add the UA DAY to the AFRALO UA Agenda.
- abdulkarim.oloyede, Seda Akbulut to follow up with UASG regarding the certificate of participation to participants who complete 2 sessions.
- Michelle DeSmyter and Yesim Saglam will review registrations from the May 10 session and check if there are new registrations for the upcoming Nov 17 session and will make a list of people who have registered to both sessions.
- Bob Ochiengto follow up with the ICANN Communications department to request ICANN org tweet can re-post the UA session poster and announcement.
13 October AFRALO UA Discussion call
- Yaovi Atohounto send Speakers Bios and photos to the social media WG can prepare promotional materials by Wednesday October 19
- Yaovi Atohoun to get back to At-large staff with the UA Session date, to be held during the week of November 14th at 23 UTC.
- Michelle DeSmyter or Yesim Saglam will send the calendar invite for the second session (once the session date is sent) to AFRI-Discuss and the list of participants to the first session
- Yaovi Atohoun , in coordination with At-Large staff to send the zoom registration link with a tiny URL to the social media WG to be placed in promotional materials.
- seun.ojedeji, Yaovi Atohoun and all organizing committee members to review and update the UA Course session announcement:https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ziOJZNZn-dQesl7iZSqb_-G2ohKc6YTSsrC2wCZCICs/edit
- Yesim Saglam to schedule the next organizing committee call for Thursday November 10 at 19:00 UTC.
24 August AFRALO UA Discussion call
- Yaovi Atohoun will send an email to AFRALO leaders and this group with the key Universal Acceptance activities during ICANN 75.
- Yaovi Atohoun will confirm the Agenda, dates/times for the UA session by September 5th. The second session will be held between October 25-27. Suggested same time as first session 13:30-15 UTC )
- Yaovi Atohounwill send Bios and speakers photos to the social media WG can prepare promotional materials.
- bukola.fawole and AFRALO Social media group will prepare promotional materials (flyers and social media posts). Social media promotion shall start during ICANN 75
- Silvia Vivanco to create a google doc with the announcement for the next UA session
- Yesim Saglam will prepare a zoom registration link (once the session date and time are set).
- Yesim SaglamYesim will schedule the UA AFRALO session for 90 mins and will send invitations to participants in the first session. Session will have FR interpretation.