- Participants: Olivier Crépin-Leblond (OCL) - EN Jean-Jacques Subrenat (JJS) - EN, Ron Sherwood (SH) - EN, Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO) - EN, Evan Leibovitch (EL) - EN, Rinalia Abdul Rahim (RAR) - EN, Alan Greenberg (AG) - EN, Edouardo Diaz (ED) - EN, Ganesh Kumar (GK) - EN, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro (ST) - EN, Wolf Ludwig (WLF) - EN, Carlton Samuels (CS) - EN, Maurenn Hilyard (MH) - EN, Sergio Salinas Porto (SSP) - ES, Fatima Cambronero (FC) - ES, Natalia Enciso (NE) - EN
- Apologies: Tijani Ben Jemaa, Oksana Prykhodka, Yrjö Lansipuro, Julie Hammer, Jose Arce
- Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Matt Ashtiani (MA), Gisella Gruber (GG), Silvia Vivanco (SV)
- Interpreters: ES: Veronica and Sabrina / FR: Claire and Camila
Summary Notes 22 May 2012
1. Adoption of the agenda - OCL reviewed the agenda.
JJS: When do you think, ideally, that we should achieve this work?
OCL: The Imporvments should Improvements should be finished as soon as possible, the report should be given to the SIC in Prague.
JJS: To make the most of the work that has been done, I suggest (based on my expereince experience as a member of the Board and the WG), that we are now at the end of a historic stage of ALAC. We should just not send it over in a routine way. Perhpas Perhaps a letter from the Chair of the ALAC to the Chair of the Board should be should be sent. Perhaps this letter should include a note on the major work that we have completed.
AI: A letter from the Chair of the ALAC to the Chair of the Chair of the Board is to be sent with the Improvements Report.
ST: Do any of them have commercial interests?
OCL: An An important part of this RG is that these members be absolutely unconflictedun-conflicted. All members have submitted SOIs. Have the RALOs confirmed that these members are unconflictedun-conflicted.
HU: We have not yet heard from all of the regions, but are waiting to hear from them
OCL: Yes, we are taking their word for it and relying on the community to note any concerns. To be clear, whilst all precautions were taken, professional due diligence was not used and therefore the members are unconflicted to un-conflicted to the ALAC's knowledge.
EL: Are we simply voting on these 10 people? Will the other 5 individuals be voted on later?
AD: As long as each of you have read the SOIs, I think the process has moved forward in a good drectiondirection.
Motion: That those recommended by the RALOs become members of the new gTLD RG.
Y: Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Carlton Samuels, Evan leibovitchLeibovitch, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Natalia Enciso, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro, Sergio Salinas Porto
N: ---
A: ---
OCL: Next Steps: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/Zr3bAQcwHhBQ
14 May 2012 - all RALO candidates need to have their SOI/COI published
EL: To ensure engagement, I suggest that we take a snapshot of the revision, as listed as v.0.1.0 on the page. We shoudl should translate this version into the other 5 UN languages and then we call for comments.
OCL: i I cannot guarntee guarantee this as there may be associate costs, which I cannot approve.
AI: Staff to send announcement of Policy webinar to ALAC Announce and RALO lists
4should be finished as soon as possible4. Updating ALAC Top 10 Policy Issues - Next Steps - Olivier (5 min)
AI: ExCom members to look at the CMR Issue - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/30345002/Draft+CMR+2012041299541082/Draft%20CMR%2020120412.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1337630816184 by the next ExCom Meeting.