Staff to add Alan to joint BCEC/ABSdt mailing list and to send Alan minutes of last meeting.- COMPLETED
Staff to send minutes of BCEC/ABSdt call to all members for further comments.
Heidi to follow up with IT re Confluence editing user's guide. - IN PROGRESS
James to write draft of ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group.
Staff to organize a Community call on the Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data Working Group. Steve Sheng is to be invited as Guest Speaker. - COMPLETED
Evan to be Chair AGAT WG.- COMPLETED
Carlton to lead on drafting of unionized JAS Charter.
Olivier to check DSSA WG Charter regarding positions that the ALAC needs to fill (re. alternate Liaison). Will follow up with Chair of SSAC. - COMPLETED
Staff to send announcement of At-Large DSSA WG members and their roles to the DSSA WG support staff. - COMPLETED
Staff to send announcement to RALOs on ALAC decision to expand the ALAC Sub-Committee on Budget and Finance to one non-ALAC regional representative per region. - COMPLETED
Olivier to draft Preparation of At-Large Requests to ICANN's FY12 Budget working with the ExCom. The draft text is to be posted on the At-Large FY12 Budget Workspace. - COMPLETED
Staff, in consultation with CLO, to prepare brief ALAC response to the ATRT Report Recommendations. Staff to send to ExCom for review. - COMPLETED
Staff to include on the proposed agenda to the next ALAC meeting reports from Improvements WTs. (They are to be put early in the ALAC agenda and allocated sufficient time for presentation, feedback, etc.)