Post ATLAS II Implementation Taskforce meeting in ICANN54 Dublin on :
Every recommendation should assign one champion to follow through, and this is one way to get ATLAS participants engaged.
Those champions can be the chairs, subject matter experts, moderators, assistant moderators, reporters, and assistant reporters of the thematic groups. If they are no longer interested in following up or have no time, the entire thematic groups need to be called upon to contribute.
- The thematic groups need to be reconvened, provided a status update on the recommendation implementation, and asked for feedback. The status update can take the form of webinar, with one webinar session per thematic group. Before the webinar, various tasks need to be prepared so they can be matched with individuals. During the webinar, in addition to reporting status, volunteers should get assigned for tasks in order to move the process forward and have more active people working.
There should be a template for ATLAS recommendations, which explicit explicitly explains the context of the recommendation, to whom it is allocated, and contains other specifics. It should also includes include evaluation criteria to define success in implementing those recommendations, which and this will help close/complete recommendationrecommendations.
- We should consider managing the recommendation implementation and process and set priorities to tackle them on a yearly basis; we should not attempt to cover them all at once.