ATRT2 WS1 2013.06.25 Teleconference
- 1. Once Alan obtains transcripts, they should be added to WS1 repository from AoC 9.1a - Board Reconsideration
- 2. Staff to provide tentative schedule for Durban meetings - Done https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ATRT2/Durban+-+12+July-18+July+2013
- 3. Develop targeted questions for SOs and ACs re: 9.1 (e)
- 4. Ask Christina to attend next WS call on 20 June for 30 minutes to review her responses
- 5. WS1 need to read Christina's responses prior to 20 June call
- 6. Staff to follow up on items requested during the LA 2-3 May meeting
- Read assigned materials by next week’s meeting (13 June) - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ATRT2/Work+Stream+1+Sources+Repository - All members
- Add additional reading materials that may be relevant to the wiki - All members
- Consider cross-cutting issues and how they apply to each Work Stream subgroup - https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/ATRT2/Detailed+Work+Stream+1+organisational+page - All members
- Evaluate information received from staff regarding implementation of the recommendations of the ATRT 1 (can be reached from: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/Yyd-Ag8wK8BQ )
- Identify additional information needed to complete work – each sub stream
- Look at information provided by David Olive: Public Comments Data Analysis – ( – WS 1 (c)
3. Discussion with Christina Rodriguez // Language Services Department - (All / 30 minutes)
Ref: Consolidated responses from Staff re: ATRT2 // AoC Section 9.1(c)
4. Discussion of Questions to ask other SO/ACs when meeting in Durban (Olivier / 10 minutes)
5. Recap of action items and assignments – 5 minutes