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Draft motion – Adoption of the charter for the ICANN Procedure For Handling WHOIS Conflicts with Privacy Law Implementation Advisory Group (WHOIS Procedure IAG) - DEFERRED to 22 February 2018 GNSO Council meeting.

Submitted by: Donna Austin

Seconded by: Heather Forrest




1.In November 2005, the Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) concluded a policy development process (PDP) on WHOIS conflicts with privacy law, which recommended the creation of a procedure to address conflicts between a contracted party's WHOIS obligations and local/national privacy laws or regulations.


2. The GNSO Council appoints [NAME] Keith Drazek as the GNSO Council Liaison to the Implementation Advisory Group. Until such time the IAG has appointed a Chair, the GNSO Council Liaison will serve as the interim Chair.


Submitted by: Rafik Dammak

Seconded by: Darcy Southwell




1.On 30 June 2016, the GNSO Council approved the creation of a Drafting Team (DT) that was to work with ICANN staff to "fully identify all the new or additional rights and responsibilities that the GNSO has under the revised Bylaws, including but not limited to participation of the GNSO within the Empowered Community, and to develop new or modified structures and procedures (as necessary) to fully implement these new or additional rights and responsibilities";


3. The GNSO Council recommends that the ICANN Board of Directors adopt the proposed changes to section 11.3.i of the ICANN Bylaws to reflect new GNSO voting thresholds which are different from the current threshold of a simple majority vote of each House (see Until such time as the ICANN Board adopts the proposed changes to section 11.3.1 i of the ICANN Bylaws, the existing voting thresholds will remain applicable to any GNSO Council decision.
