- See g-doc for any prior analysis conducted by Review Team Members
- Metrics - https://www.icann.org/resources/reviews/cct/metrics
- Background materials - See spreadsheet and wiki page
GAC Safeguard Advice in Communiques
- Technical Category/DNS Abuse
2. Have the safeguards been fully implemented? Laureen (lead), Carlos, Calvin
3. Did the safeguards help to prevent DNS abuse? Drew (lead), Fabro, Calvin
4. Have new gTLD registry operators complied with the safeguards? Fabro (lead), Carlton, David
- Specification 11
5. How was Specification 11 implemented by new gTLD registry operators? Laureen (lead), Carlos, Calvin
6. Did the use of PICs help prevent DNS abuse? Drew (lead), Carlos, Gao, Fabro
- Rights Protection Mechanisms
7. How are RPMs for new gTLDs different from those for legacy gTLDs? Carlton (lead), Jamie, Fabro
8. Have the new dispute resolution processes reduced trademark infringement?David (lead), Jamie, Carlos