Versions Compared


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Comment: Fix links.


 ** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **





  1. Welcome
  2. Discussion of reformulated “experience” questions
  3. Mechanics and details of the questionnaire process
  4. Discussion of ‘Multiple layers of jurisdiction’ document
  5. Discussion of ‘Influence of ICANN’s existing jurisdiction’ document
  6. Review of Workplan and working method
  7. AOB
  8. Adjourn


Jean-Jacques Subrenat: @Greg and Staff: link to "Improving Institutional Confidence" 2008, 

Kavouss Arasteh: Could staff provide a link to that material on mailing list


Parminder: I am still unable to hear or understand what is the danger of that additional question


Kavouss Arasteh: Pls kindly look at my suggestion to amend Q1 and Q 2


Kavouss Arasteh: Pedro, in principle, I agree to either broader the existing questions or draft additional questions$ 

Parminder: I mean additional question of course


  Brenda Brewer:Documents for this meeting can be found here:  https://urldefenseicann-community.proofpointatlassian.comnet/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_vJDDAw&d=DgIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=kbiQDH54980u4nTPfwdloDLY6-6F24x0ArAvhdeDvvc&m=LgNK5nv4wz7ER7-UKH89aj9YjsOGSPzHvLUUhTppu_Y&s=UYhwdTlkiylUT-aoYO6L0tjRJ_sW_I8cO7-hULp3UC8&e=wiki/x/AAgIBg

  David McAuley (RySG):I think we should stick to the remit found in Annex 12
