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  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chew to wordsmith the 1st part of the proposed preamble for RoP
  •  Staff to check on status of adoption by ALAC of the ALAC Email Guide (
  •  Justine Chew to propose a new Nomination Process to complement use of Adjunct06 and APRALO-Announce list, and to consider feasibility of incorporating a blackout period on new subscribes to APRALO-Announce list
  •  Justine Chew to replace "APAC-Discuss list" with "APRALO-Announce list" in RoP text as required
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr to propose text for Specific criteria for Vice-Chair candidates in Adjunct06
  •  Justine Chew to insert in RoP Section 8 7, provision for AP-LT APRALO Chair to be responsible for ensuring reports are properly, visibly archived
  •  Justine Chew to revise item 3 in Adjunct10 to include ALAC expectation for subscribers, and practice of periodically refreshing mail list subscribers
  •  Staff to send message to WG members with links to call recording and action items, particularly highlighting action needed by WG Members (see below) 


  •  WG members to undertake final review of / provide input to AP Adjunct06, Adjunct07, Adjunct08, Adjunct09 and Adjunct10, with specific attention to be given to:
  • Adjunct06 - whether the IM Representative must be an Unaffiliated Individual Member
  • Adjunct08 Part C - the Acceptance Process for IMs

2023-12-19 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr to propose ROP preamble text alluding to "APRALO Community" indicating that the APRALO Community may include anyone who participates without strictly being an APRALO Member. To consider also:


  •  WG members to provide final comments to draft AP Adjunct09 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form
  •  WG members to comment / indicate in AP Adjunct06 - Criteria for Candidates for APRALO LT Members, Liaisons & Appointees, which criterion should be generic for all positions and which criterion should be specific to which position 
  •  WG members to comment on 2 new Adjunct documents regarding criteria for ALSes and criteria for IMs
  •  WG members to provide input on new AP Adjunct10 - APRALO Email Guide

2023-12-14 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  •  satish.babu to propose a solution for addressing his concern for a lack of reference to non-APRALO Members at APRALO meetings. 
  •  Justine Chew to redraft (a) Section 13 - APRALO Meetings to reflect the quorum requirements for the 5 types of meetings and (b) Section 15 - Quorum to reflect corresponding quorum thresholds, as discussed.
  •  Justine Chew to incorporate the proposed amendments to Section 22 - Proxies as discussed, to update and share the draft AP Adjunct08 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form.  
  •  Justine Chew to expand definition of Member in Good Standing in respect of behaviour beyond ICANN, as discussed.


  •  WG members to review the updated draft AP Adjunct098 - APRALO Standard Proxy Form.
  •  WG members to provide input on criteria for candidates should be established for LT Members (beyond just APRALO Chair) and Appointees, for discussion next meeting, for capture in an Adjunct Document.
  •  WG members to read and review (a) section 27, especially paragraphs 27.4 on ALSes and 27.5 on IMs; and (b) Section D, in preparation for next meeting.

2023-12-05 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  •  To consider if criteria for candidates should be established for LT Members (beyond just APRALO Chair) and Appointees, and where to detail these (in an Adjunct Document?)
  •  Section 15: to revisit 2 levels of quorum for (a) Regular (monthly) meetings and (b) Non-regular (special) meetings
  •  Para 15.4.2: to revisit whether a balance of % ALS Reps and UIMs needs to be provided for when establishing quorum
  •  Para 15.4.3: to revisit whether proxies should count towards quorum for different meetings
  •  Justine Chewto provide for Standard Proxy Form in Section 22 and an Adjunct Document.  
  •  Justine Chewto propose how to set out criteria for ALSes from the ALS Mobilization WP Report in a consistent way as the criteria for IMs from the UIM Mobilization WP Report (para 27.5)
  •  WG members to read and review (a) section 27, especially paragraphs 27.4 on ALSes and 27.5 on IMs; and (b) Section D, in preparation for next meeting.

2023-11-28 APRALO ROPs Review WG

  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chewto revisit/insert definitions for "Full Member" vs "Member in Good Standing" (page 10) so as to provide clarity on when which category of persons apply to what circumstance
  •  Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Justine Chewto propose edits to the definition of "Quorum" (page 12) to include when quorum is needed and what happens when quorum is lost
  •  Justine Chew to propose replacing references to "election" with either "selection" or "ballot" where needed


  •  (red star) Work Group members to focus on reviewing and commenting on all of Section B in preparation for next meeting (red star)

2023-11-21 APRALO ROPs Review WG

Reminder - All WG members to participate in the calls and if an apology, listen to the recording in order to contribute



  •  (red star) Start reviewing Part C (red star)

2023-11-07 APRALO ROPs Review WG 

  •  All WG members to participate in the calls and if an apology, listen to the recording
  •  APRALO ROP WG Members to review the document - left column is current and right column is the suggested text - and add comments (ONLY use comments feature). Use the naming feature to prompt someones attention (@ followed by name).


  •  WG to complete Section A & all/most B for the next call 
  •  Goal is 'End of calendar year' for the completion of this document (6-7 weeks)
  •  Next meeting is in 10 days to 2 weeks