Adopted by the Committee on 6th March 2007
ALAC Meeting
Tuesday 6th February 2007
Participants: Pierre, Hong, Siavash, Annette, Izumi, Jacqueline, Wendy, John, Vittorio, Carlos, Jose, Alice, Alan, Nick (Staff), Susie (Staff).
• Nick to follow up with Finance on the timeline for budgeting the upcoming FY and forward to the Budget Committee
• Annette to complete forms to request budget for website personnel
• Annette to compose a letter to Ombudsman, Wendy, Alan, Jacqueline and John to work with Annette to draft it
• Nick, Annette, Jacqueline, Siavash, Vittorio, Alan to form working party to schedule Lisbon meetings
• Annette to email Chair’s Report
• Liaisons to email their written reports for the month.
• Nick to follow-up by email with Lisbon details as they become available.
• Staff to ensure that the ALAC Working SocialText Wiki is publicly accessible.
• Staff to email open action items from January meeting again.
• Nick to notify members of the ALAC Internal list when the membership changed (standing action item)
• Nominations for Vice-Chair are to be accepted until Friday 16th February on the internal list.
• Draft Rules of Procedure submitted by Vittorio to be reviewed in the ALAC meetings in Lisbon
Draft Agenda
Standing Agenda Items
- Adoption of the Agenda
- Apologies from Members (if any)
- Adoption of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting
- Review of Action Items of the Previous Meeting
- Time management in conference calls - V Bertola (I think we should never go beyond 90 minutes. I also think that agenda items should be allocated time in advance, with the Chair closing discussion and calling consensus on the specific item when its time expires. --vb.)
Liaison Reports
(suggestion: move this to written reports to the list. please avoid cluttering the call. --vb.)
- ICANN Board - V Bertola
- GNSO - A Greenberg
- WHOIS - W Seltzer
- IDNs - H Xue
- ccNSO - S Shahshahani
Membership Matters
- Review of ALS Applications due for action this month - ICANN Staff
- Review of Overdue Action on ALS Applications - ICANN Staff
- Announcement of Voting Results - Chair
- Regional Activities this month
- Filling up Clement and Annette's interim seats
- Election of the Vice Chair of the Committee
Other Matters
- Activities of the Chair - A Muehlberg
- Report of the Staff - ICANN Staff
- Budget
- Preparation for Lisbon meeting
- Internal rules of procedure - V Bertola
- Review of current lists, closure/consolidation of old lists (ws suggests, can be moved to list, if we know which one!)
- Status (public or private) of SocialText Wiki for ALAC
- Hiring Jean as web manager--any update?
New Business
- Ombudsman Investigation
- .xxx