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Sub-Group Members: 


 Adam Smith, Jeff Neuman, Elaine Pruis, Elise Gerich, Kim Davies, Paul Kane, Patricio Poblete



 Bernard Turcotte, Bart Boswinkel. Grace Abuhamad, Brenda Brewer 

Apologies:  Jeff Eckhaus

**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**




Issue to clarify/brainstorm: Ensuring that there is no opportunity for discriminatory practice between registries

  • Given the proposed measurements, any abuse could be identified. However, some tickets may take additional time and that information would not be disclosed due to confidentiality agreements.
  • Elaine and Jeff agree to a general statement included in the Assumption section as to non-discriminatory treatment and processing on a first come first serve basis; that IANA does first come first serve basis, unless specific circumstances, and on non-discriminatory basis.
  • Any objections? Concern: suggestion it does suggest sequential handling, however request are handled in parallel. It will be difficult to demonstrate on a consistent basis
  • Concern is understood: Request needs to be handled on a first come first serve basis, not concluded
  • Does it need to be mentioned in assumption or under principle section? Assumption section is appropriate.
  • Requirement to include somewhere that a request will be treated on non-discriminatory basis

Suggested wording:

"Absent extraordinary circumstances IANA will operate in an open and transparent manner. 

Proposed Agenda:


In addition it will respond will respond to requests in a fair and non-discriminatory manner."

Any other issues: What assurances we are getting that website is up and IANA section?

Next Steps

  • Suggestion: to include section on next steps, on how this group views next steps
  • Document is agreed, needs to be tidied up.
  • Action: Staff/IANA will propose some language for discussion by the group, try to map and add another level of detail, and recap yesterday discussions.
  • Action: Paul K and Kim to do background section


  • ICANN staff and Paul K (and Adam) to complete document
  • To be circulated on the SLE WG mailing list, no later then 24 hours before next call
  • ICANN staff will send Doodle poll for next call

Action Items

  • Action: Staff/IANA will propose some language for discussion by the group, try to map and add another level of detail, and recap yesterday discussions.
  • Action: Paul K and Kim to do background section



Chat Transcript

  Brenda Brewer: (8/18/2015 12:35) Welcome to the SLE WG Meeting on 18 August @ 18:00 UTC.

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (12:59) hi all

  elise gerich (epg): (13:00) Hello

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:01) Patricio -- I had to mute your line due to echo

  Patricio Poblete: (13:01) ok

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:01) hello all

  Brenda Brewer: (13:02) Waiting for Paul to dial back in.

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:02) @Patricio -- When you raise your hand, I can unmute your line

  elise gerich (epg): (13:02) Are we dialing out to Paul or is he dialing into the teleconference?

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:02) We are following up with him

  elise gerich (epg): (13:02) thanks

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:03) He was also going to try and join AC room

  Elaine Pruis: (13:03) yes please start over

  Elaine Pruis: (13:05) i cannot hear him at all

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:05) He is connected through Adobe audio, so we cannot control volume

  Adam: (13:06) Cannot hear him

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:06) @Patricio can you increase the volume of your Adobe room microphone?

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:06) Bad echo

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:06) I muted Patricio to deal with the echo.

  Elaine Pruis: (13:07) thanks grace

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:07) @Patricio, the other option is for us to dial out to you. Let Brenda or me know if you would like us to do that.

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:08) Welcome Patricio :)

  Elaine Pruis: (13:08) seems like a commitment from IANA to treat registries equally via a manner outside of SLE is prefferred, because of the delay caused by response delays outside IANA's control. I woldn't want everythign to queue up while we wait for another operator to responde

  elise gerich (epg): (13:08) Patricio, thank you for clarifying your point.  If I understood you correctly, you feel that the text proposed by Kim addresses the question you had raised on the previous call.

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:08) Perhaps not an SLE, but just a general statement as to non-discriminatory treatment and processing on a first come first served basis

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:09) no SLE, but the statement of principla

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:09) principle

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:09) How about in the Assumptions section?

  elise gerich (epg): (13:10) talking on adobe char - will dial in

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:11) Sorry you coldn't hear me well, I changed to a different computer now.

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:11) My point did not have to do with queue jumping, but with all time spent on the IANA side being accounted

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:12) FCFS can only guaranteed for the beginning of the processing, because later there could be different paths taken by requests

  Brenda Brewer: (13:12) We are calling out to Elise

  elise gerich (epg): (13:12) can you hear

  Brenda Brewer: (13:12) be one moment please

  Brenda Brewer: (13:13) Elise is on phone line now

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:13) No objection

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:14) Non-discriminatory & transparent is better than FCFS

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:15) 2 points:

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:15) "Absent extraordinary circumstances IANA will operate in an open and  transparent manner.  In addition it will respond to requests on a first-come, first-served basis"

  elise gerich (epg): (13:20) How about - "... will respond to requests in a fair and neutral manner."

  Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (13:20) Jeff old hand?

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:21) I would say "fair and non-discriminatory manner"

  Bart Boswinkel: (13:21) does this work on previous point:

  Bart Boswinkel: (13:21) "Absent extraordinary circumstances IANA will operate in an open and  transparent manner.  In addition it will respond will respond to requests in a fair and neutral manner."

  elise gerich (epg): (13:22) Patricio, that sounds good.  So it would say - will respond to requests in a fair and non-discriminatory manner."

  Brenda Brewer: (13:22) Please mute your lines when not speaking.  Thank you!

  Bart Boswinkel: (13:23) Adjsuted see notes

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:23) Elise, sounds good to me

  elise gerich (epg): (13:24) thank you, Bart

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:24) But we would need something to allow for emergencies to be treated as such

  elise gerich (epg): (13:24) thank you, Patricio

  elise gerich (epg): (13:25) isn't the next steps point taken care of in the principles?

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:25) I am comfortable with IANA staff writing the next steps section

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:26) yes, thanks bernie

  elise gerich (epg): (13:28) the new text (2 paragraphs) are in the adobe window

  Elaine Pruis: (13:28) can we have a redline as well, from the last version?

  elise gerich (epg): (13:28) Kim sent a redlined version to the list

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:28) I think we are done!

  Kim Davies: (13:29) Elaine, it is redlined from the last version

  Kim Davies: (13:29) I dont think redlines appear in Adobe Connect unfortunately

  Elaine Pruis: (13:29) (I meant with the proposed changes from this call)

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:29) It would be great to circulate a document to the registries as soon as possible

  Kim Davies: (13:29) I can continue to integrate what's been discussed on this and the last call, if desired

  Jeff Neuman (Com Laude): (13:32) Thanks to everyone for making this process a collaborative and effective one!  Thanks to everyone

  Grace Abuhamad: (13:33) I will send a Doodle for a call next week

  Patricio Poblete 2: (13:33) Good bye, everyone!