Apologies: Eberhard Lisse
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda
1. Welcome, Roll Call & SoI
2. Update on public comment tool (PC1), webinars & status of public comment on Second Draft Proposal
3. Human Rights Related Work
4. Public Comment on Second Draft Proposal (PC2) process
5. Outreach
6. A.O.B
These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.
1. Greg Shatan and Nigel Roberts on phone.
Reminder: you are invited to fill in your statement of interesst if incomplete. Staff is happy to assist.
2. Webinars
You are encouraged to spread the archives of the webinar. It is important that we get as much visibility as possible and as much community feedback as possible. There is a possibility to add another webinar towards the end of public comment period. Please let your respective communities know that we are happy to accommodate. We have received interesting questions from participants. They have been captured. Q&A will be published on our wiki. We are applying final touches and it will be published shorty after this call.
- Invitations should be sent in UTC. Conflicting messages were sent in other webinars: e.g. PTI related comment on ICG webinar. Suggestion to review questions and answers. If answers require further clarification, we may want to consider providing further clarification. The document is complex even for those who have folllowed CCWG carefully. The third webinar should be scheduled 15 days prior to deadline.
ACTION ITEM CoChairs to double check whether there are areas on which the CCWG can shed more light and to reach out to ICG to ensure the community has appropriate information.
ACTION ITEM: Kavouss to send his calendar source to staff and Cochairs to determine error.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to accommodate a webinar mid public comment period.
We have received two comments and will begin analyzing the comments before the comment period ends.
PC1 responses are being reviewed by Rapporteurs are finalizing comments. The report is due on 19 August.
Comments have made their way into the recently published report - as appropriate. We are confirming work that has already been done. This group is being transparent to community about how comments were processed.
- We should not be focusing on this now.
--> We committed to providing detailed analysis and response.
- We need to record what we have done. It is a part of completion process. It is essential to document it.
- It is unfortunate we did not focus on responses as we did work. We have to do this.
3. Human Rights
There was a very vivid discussion about HR. We agreed to include a reference to human rights in our report acknowledging that there is more work to be done (see section in Work Stream 2). We have not been able to come up with consensus language and have provided language that was in discussion (paragraph 152).
We have set up a mailing-list for discussing this issue. We have discussed whether we should be meeting in Dublin. The objective is to discuss expectation of WG.
- We cannot amend PC2 but we should be prepared to discuss in Dublin. We should look into Human Rights as a whole.
- The subgroup needs to come up with a simple statement for Bylaws. We need to flesh out a set of topics that will need to covered in WS2.
- What does Human Rights mean in ICANN context? We have to know what we are saying when we put this statement into the Bylaws. Board has underlying documents to explain what bylaws is. A lot needs to be done in terms of implementation.
- On our to-do list: 1) Bylaw change; 2) common understanding of what we are putting into Bylaw (understanding of what fundamental rights is) ; 3) identify list for Work Stream 2. We must draw clear delineated boundaries.
- We have to be aware that we are putting this for technical and business community, not for diplomats. We need to be careful as well in context of independent review panel. We are getting caught up in definitions.
- Remain high level, not simple. We should avoid political motivation.
- We need to clarify in which field it can be applied and in which it cannot be applied to avoid any polemics.
CONCLUSION: Agree on high level statement.
ACTION ITEM: Subgroup to gather language that has been suggested and to put together a strawman text (Bylaw) along with rationale for CCWG discussion by mid September. This timeline will allow for conclusion in final report. Nigel is to coordinate.
4 PC2
We will be using PC1 tool for consistency. Staff is incorporating comments as they arrive. Staff will implement timezone rotation to ensure it is up-to-date asap. Staff will also be providing weekly summary of input received to Chairs/Rapporteurs.
- Suggest using subgroups for analysis.
ACTION ITEM: Thomas is to follow up on Kavouss' suggestion to have analysis subgroups for PC2.
5. Outreach
This agenda item is to give you the opportunity to relay comments you have received from your communities. Early warning system helps us a great deal.
- Note: there is possibility to post comment to NTIA.
- Presentation of Core Values: columns should include existing 11 core values and amendments to these. Comparison is needed. Detected report gaps: example: 211-228 Alan Greenberg, Alice Munyua, Athina Fragkouli, Becky Burr, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Jorge Villa, Julia Wolman, Julie Hammer, Leon Sanchez, Lyman Chapin, Pär Brumark, Olga Cavalli, Robin Gross, Samantha Eisner, Sébastien Bachollet, Thomas Rickert, Tijani Ben Jemaa (17)
Participants: Avri Doria, Barrack Otieno, Carlos Raul, David McAuley, Greg Shatan, James Bladel, Jonathan Zuck, Jorge Cancio, Kavouss Arasteh, Keith Drazek, Martin Boyle, Matthew Shears, Nigel Roberts, Padmini Baruah, Paul Twomey, Pedro Ivo Silva, Phil Buckingham, Sabine Meyer, Tapani Tarvainen, Tom Dale, Tracy Hackshaw, Yasuichi Kitamura (22)
Legal Counsel: Holly Gregory, Michael Clark, Rosemary Fei, Stephanie Petit
Staff: Alice Jansen, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer, Grace Abuhamad, Hillary Jett, Kim Carlson, Laena Rahim
Apologies: Eberhard Lisse, Izumi Okutani, Mathieu Weill
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The audio recording is available here:
Proposed Agenda
1. Welcome, Roll Call & SoI
2. Update on public comment tool (PC1), webinars & status of public comment on Second Draft Proposal
3. Human Rights Related Work
4. Public Comment on Second Draft Proposal (PC2) process
5. Outreach
6. A.O.B
These high-level notes are designed to help you navigate through content of the call and do not substitute in any way the transcript.
1. Greg Shatan and Nigel Roberts on phone.
Reminder: you are invited to fill in your statement of interest if incomplete. Staff is happy to assist.
2. Webinars
You are encouraged to spread the archives of the webinar. It is important that we get as much visibility as possible and as much community feedback as possible. There is a possibility to add another webinar towards the end of public comment period. Please let your respective communities know that we are happy to accommodate. We have received interesting questions from participants. They have been captured. Q&A will be published on our wiki. We are applying final touches and it will be published shortly after this call.
- Invitations should be sent in UTC. Conflicting messages were sent in other webinars: e.g. PTI related comment on ICG webinar. Suggestion to review questions and answers. If answers require further clarification, we may want to consider providing further clarification. The document is complex even for those who have folllowed CCWG carefully. The third webinar should be scheduled 15 days prior to deadline.
ACTION ITEM CoChairs to double check whether there are areas on which the CCWG can shed more light and to reach out to ICG to ensure the community has appropriate information.
ACTION ITEM: Kavouss to send his calendar source to staff and Cochairs to determine error.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to accommodate a webinar mid public comment period.
We have received two comments and will begin analyzing the comments before the comment period ends.
PC1 responses are being reviewed by Rapporteurs are finalizing comments. The report is due on 19 August.
Comments have made their way into the recently published report - as appropriate. We are confirming work that has already been done. This group is being transparent to community about how comments were processed.
- We should not be focusing on this now.
--> We committed to providing detailed analysis and response.
- We need to record what we have done. It is a part of completion process. It is essential to document it.
- It is unfortunate we did not focus on responses as we did work. We have to do this.
3. Human Rights
There was a very vivid discussion about HR. We agreed to include a reference to human rights in our report acknowledging that there is more work to be done (see section in Work Stream 2). We have not been able to come up with consensus language and have provided language that was in discussion (paragraph 152).
We have set up a mailing-list for discussing this issue. We have discussed whether we should be meeting in Dublin. The objective is to discuss expectation of WG.
- We cannot amend PC2 but we should be prepared to discuss in Dublin. We should look into Human Rights as a whole.
- The subgroup needs to come up with a simple statement for Bylaws. We need to flesh out a set of topics that will need to covered in WS2.
- What does Human Rights mean in ICANN context? We have to know what we are saying when we put this statement into the Bylaws. Board has underlying documents to explain what bylaws is. A lot needs to be done in terms of implementation.
- On our to-do list: 1) Bylaw change; 2) common understanding of what we are putting into Bylaw (understanding of what fundamental rights is) ; 3) identify list for Work Stream 2. We must draw clear delineated boundaries.
- We have to be aware that we are putting this for technical and business community, not for diplomats. We need to be careful as well in context of independent review panel. We are getting caught up in definitions.
- Remain high level, not simple. We should avoid political motivation.
- We need to clarify in which field it can be applied and in which it cannot be applied to avoid any polemics.
CONCLUSION: Agree on high level statement.
ACTION ITEM: Subgroup to gather language that has been suggested and to put together a strawman text (Bylaw) along with rationale for CCWG discussion by mid September. This timeline will allow for conclusion in final report. Nigel is to coordinate.
4 PC2
We will be using PC1 tool for consistency. Staff is incorporating comments as they arrive. Staff will implement timezone rotation to ensure it is up-to-date asap. Staff will also be providing weekly summary of input received to Chairs/Rapporteurs.
- Suggest using subgroups for analysis.
ACTION ITEM: Thomas is to follow up on Kavouss' suggestion to have analysis subgroups for PC2.
5. Outreach
This agenda item is to give you the opportunity to relay comments you have received from your communities. Early warning system helps us a great deal.
- Note: there is possibility to post comment to NTIA.
- Presentation of Core Values: columns should include existing 11 core values and amendments to these. Comparison is needed. Detected report gaps: example: 211-228
ACTION ITEM: Kavouss to send details on report gaps.
- We need to include original ones (third column). It is very confusing.
ACTION ITEM - Becky to produce comparison to existing Bylaws.
- Suggestion to have a repository for issues. Use a simple English approach (e.g. compact is very difficult to understand). Proofreading is desirable.
ACTION ITEM: Share any items you believe need clarification in the report to the list.
- Report puts GAC in a disadvantage position.
--> We are not changing anything with GAC advice. There is no intention to marginalize GAC advice
6. A.O.B
Action Items
ACTION ITEM CoChairs to double check whether there are areas on which the CCWG can shed more light and to reach out to ICG to ensure the community has appropriate information.
ACTION ITEM: Kavouss to send his calendar source to staff and Cochairs to determine error.
ACTION ITEM: Staff to accommodate a webinar mid public comment period.
ACTION ITEM: Subgroup to gather language that has been suggested and to put together a strawman text (Bylaw) along with rationale for CCWG discussion by mid September. This timeline will allow for conclusion in final report. Nigel is to coordinate.
ACTION ITEM: Thomas is to follow up on Kavouss' suggestion to have analysis subgroups for PC2.
ACTION ITEM: Kavouss to send details on report gaps.
- We need to include original ones (third column). It is very confusing.
ACTION ITEM - Becky to produce correction.
- Suggestion to have a repository for issues. Use a simple English approach (e.g. compact is very difficult to understand). Proofreading is desirable.
ACTION ITEM - Becky to produce comparison to existing Bylaws
ACTION ITEM: Share any items you believe need clarification in the report to the list.
- Report puts GAC in a disadvantage position.
--> We are not changing anything with GAC advice. There is no intention to marginalize GAC advice
6. A.O.B
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript