Based on direction from the Board, the current review comprises an examination of RSSAC organizational effectiveness in accordance with the ICANN-provided objectives and quantifiable criteria. The Organizational Effectiveness Committee of the Board (OEC) is responsible for the oversight of ICANN’s organizational reviews. The review will focus on addressing areas such as purpose of the organization; its processes and means of conducting its work; and its outcomes. The operations of the RSSAC Working Groups, the RSSAC Council, the Regional RSSAC Organizations and the RSSAC Structures will also be evaluated. Review criteria include but are not limited to the following areas, to be applied to RSSAC Community components (ALAC, RALOs and ALSes): Fulfilment of mission, adherence to Policies and Procedures, and organizational supportAccountability and transparency to the publicMembership processes and participationCommunicationGovernance and management, effectiveness of executionEvaluation and measurement of outcomesEffectiveness of implementation of prior review recommendationsThe scope includes but is not limited to an assessment of: - The continued purpose of RSSAC within the ICANN structure;
- How effectively RSSAC fulfills its purpose;
- Whether any change in structure or operations is needed; and
- The extent to which RSSAC as a whole is accountable to the wider ICANN community.
More information about the review scope is available in the RFP overview document here. The review and its requirements will be managed in a clear and scheduled process, empowering the RSSAC and broader community to be a part of the solution and improvement efforts.The current review also will include an assessment of the effectiveness of structural changes that resulted from the last review, as it relates to the organizational effectiveness of the RSSAC. Community surveys and interviews will provide the community with an opportunity to express their position on areas of the RSSAC structurereview. |