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  1. Roll Call / SOI
  2. Principles derived from review of public comments 
    • Finalise principles and discuss how these are to be incorporated in the draft charter 
    • Review draft text on ‘diversity’ for inclusion in the charter (utilising references to existing ICANN documents and bylaws)
  3. Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:
    • Update from Sam on modifications to briefing note based on DT input
    • EM to revert on (a) advice from board colleagues or external advisors on what constraints (audit or tax) on the use of proceeds might be or (b) to what extent does ICANN's mission constrain the use of funds
  4. Review draft charter which has been developed based on deliberations an input received to date (see attached)
  5. Helsinki meeting planning – Cross-Community Session Tuesday 28 June from 15.15 to 16.45 
  6. Confirm schedule going forward: 2 June 21.00 UTC (or 3rd June), 9 June no meeting, 16 June 13.00 UTC (90 or 120 minutes), 23 June 21.00 UTC (if required)



AC Chat


Apologies:  Jonathan Robinson, Tony Harris, Olga Cavalli, David Tait


These high-level notes are designed to help DT members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/1SmAAwmQK4Bg

  • Target is to have draft charter ready for discussion in Helsinki
  • Check on publication date for Helsinki
