Seconded: Susan Kawaguchi, Ed Morris
1. The GNSO Council expressed the desire to establish a GNSO Standing Selection Committee to assist with the selection of GNSO representatives to future Review Teams, including for the various reviews mandated by the ICANN Bylaws, and other ICANN structures for which the GNSO will need to appoint, nominate or endorse candidates
2. A small team of Council members developed a set of criteria intended to serve as the basis for a uniform process that would be used by the GNSO Standing Selection Committee to make future selections as required
3. These criteria have been captured in GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) Charter (see The GNSO Council expressed the desire to establish a GNSO Standing Selection Committee to assist with the selection of GNSO representatives to future Review Teams, including for the various reviews mandated by the ICANN Bylaws, and other ICANN structures for which the GNSO will need to appoint, nominate or endorse candidates
2. A small team of Council members developed a set of criteria intended to serve as the basis for a uniform process that would be used by the GNSO Standing Selection Committee to make future selections as required
3. This criteria has been captured in GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) Charter (see https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/draft-standing-selection-committee-15mar17-en.pdf).
4. The Council reviewed the charter and agreed that as this is a new entity and approach, it would be desirable to test the process and criteria outlined in the charter to assess whether it is fitThe Council reviewed the charter and agreed that as this is a new entity and approach, it would be desirable to test the process and criteria outlined in the charter to assess whether it is fit-for-purpose. To that end, it is proposed thatTo that end it is proposed that:
1) the charter be adopted on an interim basis1) the charter be adopted on an interim basis,
2) SSC be formed in accordance with the charter2) SSC be formed in accordance with the charter,
3) SSC to apply the charter for a minimum carry out 2 selection / nomination processes,
4) SSC to conduct a review of the selection / nomination process and suggest changes to the Charter if appropriate,
5) Confirm the GNSO SSC Charter as is, or, as modified based on the review3) SSC to apply the charter for a a minimum carry out 2 selection / nomination processes,
4) SSC to conduct a review of the selection / nomination process and suggest changes to the Charter if appropriate,
5) Confirm the GNSO SSC Charter as is, or, as modified based on the review.
1. The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Standing Selection Committee The GNSO Council adopts the GNSO Standing Selection Committee (SSC) Charter on an interim basis (see [include link] and instructs the GNSO Secretariat to launch a call for volunteers per the membership criteria outlined in the SSC Charter as soon as possible with a view to having each member identified by their appointing SG/C by 27 March 2017 and the establishment of the SSC no later than 31 March 2017.
2. The GNSO Council tasks the SSC to carry out the review and selection of GNSO endorsed candidates for the Registration Directory Service Review Team for Council consideration at the latest by its 20 April 2017 meeting.
3. The GNSO Council tasks the SSC to develop the criteria and the process for the selection of the GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community for GNSO Council consideration by its June 2017 meeting, and following the approval by the GNSO Council, carry out the selection process.
4. Following the completion of two selection processes, the GNSO Council requests the SSC to report back to the GNSO Council with its assessment of whether the charter provides sufficient guidance and flexibility to carry out its work, and/or whether any modifications should be considered. Acknowledging that this is a work in progress, the GNSO Council will review this assessment as well as whether any modifications should be considered, as well as any inconsistencies that may need to be addressed as a result of the finalization of the work of the Bylaws Drafting Team.
5. The GNSO Council thanks the small group of volunteers, Susan Kawaguchi, Ed Morris, Valerie Tan and the GNSO Council leadership team, for its work on the charterCharter on an interim basis (see https://gnso.icann.org/en/drafts/draft-standing-selection-committee-15mar17-en.pdf) and instructs the GNSO Secretariat to launch a call for volunteers per the membership criteria outlined in the SSC Charter as soon as possible with a view to having each member identified by their appointing SG/C by 27 March 2017 and the establishment of the SSC no later than 31 March 2017.
2. The GNSO Council tasks the SSC to carry out the review and selection of GNSO endorsed candidates for the Registration Directory Service Review Team for Council consideration at the latest by its 20 April 2017 meeting.
3. The GNSO Council tasks the SSC to develop the criteria and the process for the selection of the GNSO Representative to the Empowered Community for GNSO Council consideration by its June 2017 meeting, and following the approval by the GNSO Council, carry out the selection process.
4. Following the completion of two selection processes, the GNSO Council requests the SSC to report back to the GNSO Council with its assessment of whether the charter provides sufficient guidance and flexibility to carry out its work, and/or whether any modifications should be considered. Acknowledging that this is a work in progress, the GNSO Council will review this assessment as well as whether any modifications should be considered, as well as any inconsistencies that may need to be addressed as a result of the finalization of the work of the Bylaws Drafting Team.
5. The GNSO Council thanks the small group of volunteers, Susan Kawaguchi, Ed Morris, Valerie Tan and the GNSO Council leadership team, for its work on the charter.