1. Roll call
2. Review of Action Items of call 16 April 2012
3. Policy Statement Update
a. Recently adopted ALAC Statements:
i. .com Registry Agreement Renewal
ii. Draft ALAC Statement on the Fake Renewal Notices Report
iii. At Large Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice and Competition
Evan, Beau and others were involved in this.
iv. Draft Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project - Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps
b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC
a. New gGLD Review Group - Next Steps
See:At Large New gTLD Review Group Workspace
DT gave a description of the time lines that we are working with for this working group.
5. Recap of projects and issues
MA is completing the entry of the text into the Survey monkey. We can launch in 24 hrs.