Adobe Connect Chatroom: http://icann.adobeconnect.com/workteamb2011/
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
1. Roll call – 2 min.
2. Review of AIs from 26 January meeting – Co-Chairs; 5 min
4. Dev’s write-up regarding how ALS Survey (relates to WT B’s recs, especially Rec 3 (remove any obstacles in ALS-RALO-ALAC structure) – Dev, 10 min
- See ALS Survey Analysis: Draft report (Dec 2010)
- See ALS Survey Analysis: Presentation (June 2010).
5. WT B’s proposals for ALAC – Co-Chairs, 20 min
- Addition of ideas since Cartagena
- Review of WT B Proposals in Development page
- Selection and conversion into proposals for ALAC