Participants: Martin Boyle, Alejandra Reynoso, Dejan Djukic, Katrina Sataki, Ben Fuller
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson,
Apologies: David McAuley, Martin BoyleEduardo Santoyo, Stephen Deerhake
1. Welcome and Roll Call
2. Specific reviews operating standards: initial discussion
3. Rejection Action Guideline discussion
4. Update Board Nomination Guideline
5. AOB
6. Closure
Recordings: Mp3
- Draft Guideline Rejection Actions V5 clean.docx
- Draft Guideline Rejection Actions V5 redline.docx
- draft-operating-standards-specific-reviews-17oct17-en clean.pdf
- Flow rejection Action Process.pptx
- Guideline ccNSO Appointment to ICANN_Board v9 redline.docx