December 2011
Our monthly activities focused on the follow-up of ALAC consultations (draft statement on geographic regions etc.) and the preparation of the last monthly call this year. Besides other call agenda items we dedicated our discussions on a wrap-up of EURALO activities, highlights / achievements and shortcomings in 2011 (participation at three ICANN meetings, ICANN-Studienkreis Budapest, EuroDIG and GA in Belgrade, EuroSSIG, Ukrainian IGF, Swiss new gTLD event etc.). Another highlight of this year was the submission of a substantiated ICANN Academy proposal to ICANN and ALAC. The increase by members was modest again this year (two ALSes from Ukraine EMP and UIA as well as TaC from France), and we are far away from reaching our standing goal of having one member per European country. After the 2011 amendments of our Bylaws we can offer equal opportunities to encourage and include individual members but we didn't follow up on the creation of an ALS (pending issue). To improve our membership record, more initiatives from ALL (not only officers and Board members) are needed, and we have to improve our presence at all sorts of IG-related events in our region (while being aware about the persistent lack of capacities and funding sources).
EURALO will start its planning for 2012 immediately after the seasonal break: preparations for EuroDIG 2012 (Stockholm), Safer Internet Day Leipzig (February), IGF open consultations Geneva (February and May), next ICANN-Studienkreis meeting 23 - 24 August in Oslo, and as a next presumable highlight, the June 44 ICANN meeting in Prague where we will probably convene our next GA and organize a EURALO Showcase. Most likely EURALO will be present at the 7th IGF in Baku / Azerbaijan again.
November 2011
EURALO’s November activities and the monthly conference call (15 November) focused on the following subjects:
- Welcome and short introduction of Silvia Vivanco, new Manager of At-Large Regional Affairs
- Welcome and short introduction of new EURALO ALS TaC/France (Yuliya)
- Post-Dakar ICANN Policy and ALAC Update (Olivier – global partnership and communication, consumer trust and consumer choice regarding new IDNs and new gTLDs programs, minimal standards for ALAC members, Strategic Plan 2012-2015, a look into the future, Sebastien – on knowledge-based system in AFRALO)
- New gTLD event 4 November 2011 in Berlin, organized by Eco with participation of Sandra.
- New gTLD event 28 November 2011 in Bern (see above),
- wrap-up of EuroDIG 2012 planning meeting in Dakar, preparation for the next planning meeting in Stockholm (18-19 January 2012)
- next GA and Showcase in Prague inline with ICANN meeting 44 – need for travel support for EURALO members to Prague from ICANN.
October 2011
EURALO October activities and conference call (18 October) focused on the following subjects:
- active participation in discussion of the ALS role in ICANN IDN and new gTLD Programs, public interest and conflict of interests, dealing with inactive ALSs, language service and interpretation, communication and social media;
- creation of a new ALAC working group on ICANN Academy (with Sandra as a chair);
- EuroDIG 2012 planning meeting in Dakar (Wolf, Sandra, Olivier, Des, Yrjo, Oksana).
September 2011
This month's EURALO activities and teleconference call (20 September) focused on the following subjects:
- Verifying and finding a new/better date for EURALO’s monthly call - results of Doodle poll to set new date/time of the EURALO call. The day will be the same – 3rd Tuesday, but the time slot will be changed to the evening.. It is worth to say, that the main reason for changing day or time of the monthly teleconference call was to involve more EURALO members, but they were not very responsive to this poll.
- The Draft ICANN Academy Proposal was submitted to ICANN and is now under further consideration by ALAC.
- The welcome of the new Ukrainian EURALO members (European Media Platform and Ukrainian Internet Association) could be accomplished. EURALO received a new ALS application from Together-against-Cybercrime (TaC), France, and DD procedure will be accomplished soon. Afterwards EURALO needs to submit its regional advice, possibly the procedure can be completed in line with the Dakar ICANN 42 meeting.
- Review and discussion of ICANN’s Strategic Planning 2012 – 2015 during our monthly call (with presentation by Kurt Pritz and Carole Cornell).
- The work on the creation of an ALS for individual members (drafting of by-laws etc.) as a consequence of our last Belgrade GA had to be postponed again. This becomes a standing item on our monthly call agendas BUT there will be no progress as long as the individual members concerned will not take the initiative (creation of WG or the like) on this.
- Second Ukrainian IGF was conducted successfully in Kiev on September 2-3 with active participation of Olivier, Wolf, Wolfgang, Oksana and Vladimir (the last two as co-organizers of IGF-UA II). Some specific features of Internet development in developing countries and the need for support from European and international organizations.
- Upcoming 6th IGF in Nairobi – with participation of Sandra, Wolfgang, Wolf, Sebastian, Bill, Yrjö, Siranush and other people. EuroDIG has organized a booth at the IGF with messages from Belgrade and materials from national IGF initiatives. An EuroDIG support association will be created in the nearest future.
- ICANN 42 meeting in Dakar – no need for special EURALO event, but need for new EURALO brochures in different languages.
July - August 2011
Due to the usual summer break in Europe, our activities were limited to the current deadlines such as re-nomination of EURALO's NomCom representative Yrjö Länsipuro for a 2nd term and our monthly calls.
Besides this, EURALO members (Sandra, Wolfgang, Olivier and Wolf) were working on a substantiated project proposal for a ICANN Academy which is no under review by ICANN Staff and ALAC -- see:
June 2011
Please see here for []
This month's EURALO conference call and activities focused on the following subjects:
- Recent and upcoming activities of ALAC and EURALO members:
- Internet meeting in India, 28 June (Sébastien, Olivier);
- EuroSSIG, 24-30 July, Meissen, Germany (Sandra, Wolf, others);
- IGF-UA, 2-3 September, Kiev, Ukraine (Oksana, Olivier, Wolf, others).
April 2011
EURALO activities during the last month were determined by:
- Several European ALAC representatives and members participated in various ALAC consultation and policy issues.
- EURALO members (Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Bill Drake, Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Wolf Ludwig) participated at the Council of Europe’s conference on Internet Freedom – From principles to global treaty law on 18-19 April in Strasbourg.
* EURALO members (Yrjö Länsipuro, Bill Drake, Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Wolf Ludwig) participated at the 11th Meeting of the ICANN Studienkreis 28-29 April 2011 in Budapest. - Some EURALO members (Sandra Hoferichter, Wolf Ludwig, Olivier Crepin-Leblond) are closely involved in the organisation of the 4th European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) at the end of May in Belgrade.
- EURALO is preparing an Online voting tool together with At-Large Staff for preparing its Bylaw modifications (such as including individual members etc.) for the next General Assembly (GA) which will be convened at 29 May in Belgrade in the eve of the EuroDIG. Programming and reporting for the GA is under preparation as well.
EURALO San Francisco Report March 2011
Below please find the points EURALO has worked on since the Cartagena meeting:
- EURALO continued its engagement in the four Work Teams for At-Large improvements and work is progressing. The Work Teams met in San Francisco again to present results.
- EURALO members contributed actively throughout the At-Large policy development processes, submitting regional comments to issues such as ICANN’s Geographic Regions etc.
- EURALO submitted budget requests for the Fiscal Year planning 2012-13, all intended to increase visibility, participation and outreach.
- Several members of EURALO participate in preparation and programming of the next EuroDIG end of May in Belgrade. The annual EuroDIG becomes the major event for EURALO for outreach and networking. We have been active in the development of further outreach proposals that have become part of ALAC's submission to ICANN (training and empowerment).
- We encouraged ALAC to support the ISOC statement on politically motivated Internet disruption in Egypt.
February 2011
- Policy
The Board - GAC meeting is fast approaching at the end of the month, and several EURALO members will be physically present in Brussels as observers. It is the aim for those members to speak to both Board and GAC members, and comment on the process taking place, bringing direct input from At-Large and from EURALO to the meeting participants.
EURALO's input into the process can be found on:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/alacpolicydev/At-Large+FY12+Budget+Development+Workspace+-+2011|
Rudi Vansnick was appointed as the second EURALO representative on the ALAC Finance and Budget sub-committee. He will bring a regional, non-ALAC point of view to the work performed by this committee.
January 2011
- Process
This month, EURALO returned to pursuing its internal process and structural improvements which it had suspended prior to the Cartagena meeting due to more prioritised issues such as the selection process for an At-Large Selected ICANN Board Director.
EURALO's conference call agendas for December 2010 and were set-up to follow-up on the main items of discussion which had been suspended, namely:
- (wiki page)
- Options to Change EURALO Term Limits
- (wiki page)
- And other possible bylaw amendments to streamline and reconcile them with the reality of today's EURALO structure.