Notes/ Action Items
- Roll Call & SOI Updates (5 minutes)
- Welcome & Chair updates (5 minutes)
- Today’s meeting is shortened to 60 minutes due to the GNSO Policy webinar
- Short introduction of new NCSG members
- ICANN71 – prep weeks starts this week, and ICANN71 starts in less than 2 weeks. We will be meeting on 16 June at 12:00 UTC. The session will be split between discussing the goals of the Transfer Policy, and the other part of the session will be dedicated to discussing auth-codes.
- Support Staff will distribute the draft SO/AC outreach document to the WG shortly
3. Phase 1B Charter Topics #07 - #12 Discussion: Change of Registrant (45 mins) a. Topic #07 – Overall Policy Poll questions: High 38% Medium 50% Low 13% Yes 25% No 75% - Note- changes of registrar needs to occur first
- The rationale for the two-phased PDP is to divide the work and there were also signals that there may be overlaps between inter-registrar and inter-registrant transfers. While Phase 1A report is out for public comment, it will be necessary to review the changes to Phase 1B topics to see if anything gets broken.
Yes 6% No 94% - There may be an issue with transfers when resellers are involved
b. Topic #08 – 60-Day Lock Level of Effort? High 18% Medium 53% Low 29% Known Dependencies? Yes 18% No 82% - This is tied into what happens during a registrar transfer, so updates to that process need to be stable before making changes to this process.
Related Topics? Yes 0% No 100%
c. Topic #09 – Privacy/Proxy Customers Level of Effort? High 24% Medium 65% Low 12% Known Dependencies? Yes 24% No 76% - There is a current IRT dealing with the PPSAI issue – there may be dependencies here.
- Note: The PPSAI IRT is "On-Hold" pending decision by the Council on when and how to restart it.
Related Topics? Yes No 100%
d. Topic #10 – Designated Agent Level of Effort? High 11% Medium 53% Low 37% Known Dependencies? Yes 16% No 84% - Dependent on whether COR is retained
Related Topics? Yes 0% No 100%
e. Topic #11 – Additional Questions Level of Effort? High 5% Medium 47% Low 47% Known Dependencies? Yes 0% No 100% Related Topics? Yes 0% No 100%
f. Topic #12 – Wave 1, Recommendation 27 - Wave 1 Report outlines the impacts on other policies from EPDP recommendations
- The Final Issues Report includes all of the specific impacts noted by ICANN org
Level of Effort? High 5% Medium 50% Low 45% Known Dependencies? Yes 5% No 95% - Dependent on whether COR is maintained at all
Related Topics? Yes 0% No 100% - Most topics trend medium to high, which signals these are substantial discussions for the WG. In isolation, what is more important to discuss first: 60-day lock or COR process? - COR process, then 60-day lock
4. Next steps & closing (5 minutes) a. Next meeting: 8 June 2021 @ 16:00 UTC - Note: we have only scheduled calls up to ICANN71. Please let us know if this time works for everyone. If the time does not work for you, please reach out to Roger or Support Staff. We will take feedback into account before scheduling future meetings.
- Support Staff will take feedback from the polls and come up with the next iteration of the project plan. In approximately one month, the WG will submit its plan to the Council as an acknowledgement that we are committing to these deliverable dates.
- The early input doc currently looks like a replica of charter questions, but we may also consider additional questions. Support Staff will distribute the draft shortly.
- The WG will kick off its work with auth-info code management. If any members have ideas re: how these discussions could look – please submit them to the list.