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      6.Confirm next meeting – Thursday 23 February at 15.00 UTC


Transcript  Transcript

AC Chat


Dial outs:   Attendance  Hadia Elminiawi

Apologies:   Alberto Soto, Judith Hellerstein (tentative), Alice Munyua, Seun Ojedeji

On audio only:  Marc Gauw, Sylvia Cadena, Brad Verd, Marie Noemie Marques


Actions/Discussion Notes

Notes - 09 February 2017 CCWG Auction Proceeds


These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki at:[].


1. Roll Call / SOI

  • Roll call will be taken from Adobe Connect
  • Please remember to state your name before speaking for transcription purposes
  • Remember to mute your microphone when not speaking


2. Welcome

  • Anyone should feel free to raise any comments on the agenda, either when it is circulated or at the start of the call.
  • Aim to work within the 90 minutes, but when possible within 60 minutes.
  • Only members and participants are expected to participate in the meetings. All members and participants are required to complete an SOI and DOI - if you have not done so yet, please do so as soon as possible. Non-compliance will be enforced by downgrading status to observer if you have not completed your SOI and/or DOI.
  • Calls to be scheduled every two weeks at 15.00 UTC for 90 minutes. Analyse participation in the near future to make sure this timing continues to work. If this is not the case, please inform so that this can be factored into future consideration.
  • No funding for specific F2F meetings, but as many are likely to be at one or more of the ICANN meetings, meetings of the CCWG will be organised there, with remote participation available for those not in attendance. If anyone feels that this is a shortcoming, this should be raised as part of the identification of resources that may be needed for this effort. Even if not discussing business, a small social gathering may allow for getting to know each other. 90 minute meeting has been scheduled at ICANN58 on Wednesday from 15.15 - 16.45 local time.
  • Poll to assess expected attendance and/or remote participation in ICANN58 can be found here:
  • See notification sent by Jonathan concerning his resignation as GNSO co-chair of this CCWG. GNSO will consider replacement. at upcoming meeting. Until such time a replacement has been appointed, Jonathan will continue in his role. Note that the appointment of the ccNSO co-chair is for the moment on an interim basis.


Action item #1: All members and participants to complete their SOI/DOI in time for the next meeting (23 February). Failure to do so with result in a downgrading to observer status until the information has been provided.


3. Assessment of CCWG skills and expertise – see updated survey at[] .

See updated survey which includes the input that was provided on the mailing list.


Action item #2: Staff to circulate survey to CCWG members and participants for completion ahead of the next meeting.


4. Development of work plan:

  • Objective to sketch out a high level plan to at least ICANN59 or ICANN60
  • Working assumption meetings every two weeks, with partial get together in Copenhagen
  • Proposal from co-chairs is to take high level review, systematic first pass of charter questions.
  • As part of this review: 1) are there any sub-questions, does the question needs to be further fleshed out, 2) do we require any external input to address/answer the question? 3) are there any initial answers? Need to also consider whether there are any "fundamental" charter questions - threshold questions that may determine whether the CCWG goes into a certain direction or not. May be as easy as assigning a priority 1 or 2 to each charter question.
  • CCWG needs to identify whether any specialised input is needed ahead of starting deliberations. A number of topics have already been identified for which briefings should be foreseen. In addition, a number of individuals / organizations have been identified that may provide additional guidance.
  • Schedule briefings upfront on legal and fiduciary constraints & ICANN's mission.
  • Important to get insights early on in relation to obvious pitfalls - share experience of ccTLDs . See for example ccLTds who presented at an earlier workshop (see ccTLD focus is on operational surplus.
  • Are there any materials / videos that can be shared for CCWG review in relation to ICANN's mission?
  • Could consider starting each call with a small intro by those that have relevant experience to provide some guidance / input to help facilitate deliberations.
  • Need to get a jump start - although recognising that this is a unique situation, but it is a one-off. There are folks who know how to do this on a "one shot" basis.  The broadband initiative at the beginning of the Obama administration as part of the economic recovery act is a good example. 
  • Constraints identified as part of legal and fiduciary constraints may provide guidance on charter questions.
  • Not only look at mission but also at ICANN's articles of incorporation as these appear to go broader than the mission. Not all agree: ICANN's Mission is enumerated, and anything not enumaterated is outside the Mission.
  • A lot of expertise is also available in this group so important to make sure to take advantage of this expertise.


Action item #3: Staff to share ICANN memo on legal and fiduciary constraints as well as presentations provided by ccTLDs during earlier workshop on their experiences.


Action item #4: Peter Vergote to share .BE model from which a number of lessons can be learned (need to decide what objective is and realise that part of funds are spent on overhead).


a. Review of topics & individuals / organizations identified – see[]

  • Initial input on charter questions has been provided by some of the CCWG members & participants


Action item #5: CCWG encouraged to add to the list of topics & individuals / organizations


b. CCWG input on charter questions – see[]


c. Outreach / engagement

  • Co-chairs to provide an initial blog outlining the current status & initial work. Could also include request for any additional expertise / knowledge to come forward.
  • Is there a need to put charter questions out to ICANN SO/ACs? May generate a lot of work that is not synchronised with the work of the CCWG. Instead encourage everyone interested to sign up as a participant or observer to provide input.


d. Next steps in developing a work plan

  • Map out forthcoming meetings and identify charter questions that will be dealt with in the form of a project plan.


5. CCWG F2F meeting at ICANN58 – see[]

  • So far all respondents have indicated that they can either participate in person or remotely.
  • No separate updates to SO/ACs foreseen, although an update will be included in the policy briefings which are published ahead of time.


6. Confirm next meeting – Thursday 23 February at 15.00 UTC

  • Schedule another CCWG meeting for 2 March for briefing on legal and fiduciary constraints as well as ICANN's mission
  • No meeting on 9 March as many will be in transit for ICANN58