13:00-14:30 (18:00-19:30 UTC) | At-Large Policy Session - DoH/DoT - Threats and Challenges Zoom: https://icann.zoom.us/my/cun67.costamaya1 Audio Streaming in English, French and Spanish: https://67.schedule.icann.org/meetings/1152526 (18:00-19:30 UTC) Description: This session will look at the DNS-over-TLS (DoT) and DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) technologies for encrypted DNS, including both advantages and disadvantages. The panelists will explain the background for encrypted DNS, including the implications it has on operations for the DNS. Paul Hoffman Presentation
| Moderator: Holly Raiche, ALAC Member
Panelists: Holly Raiche - ALAC Member, Rod Rasmussen - SSAC Chair, Suzanne Woolf and Barry Leiba - SSAC MembersMember; Paul Hoffman, Principal Technologist, ICANN Andrew McConachie, Policy and Technology Senior Manager Lead: HU Notes: EE RP: YN/CR |