The SSR2 Review Team is addressing relevant mandates of ICANN’s Bylaws as they relate to the following key areas.
- ICANN's implementation of 28 SSR1 recommendations from 2012
- ICANN’s key security, stability, and resiliency activities.
- Activities that impact the SSR of the Domain Name System (that ICANN contributes to/facilitates).
- Challenges to the secure and resilient operation of the unique identifiers system.
Per the SSR2 Review Team’s Terms of Reference, “[a]ll considerations will be investigated and analyzed with a clear intent to produce actionable recommendations that fall within ICANN’s purview.”
View the SSR2 Review Team work plan to see the key areas for research and discussion and related milestones to be achieved during the review process.
The SSR2 Review Team was paused from October 2017 until June 2018. During the pause, a number of team members resigned and new team members were appointed. In August 2018, the review team decided to bring the work of the subgroups that had been formed in May 2017 to the plenary level and approach each subgroup topic as a workstream. The Review Team’s work plan subsequently was updated to reflect the work of SSR2 Review Team post-pause.
The information below has been archived.
Conference calls
Links to subgroup conference call archives can be found here.
Work steam topics
Work stream topics document can be viewed on this page.
Subgroups Subgroups have received a proposed subgroup report template. Feedback/approval are pending.
Subgroup #1 Workstream 1 - SSR1 Review
- Alain Patrick Aina - Rapporteur
- Denise Michel
- Ram Krishna Pariyar
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing the implementation of the first Security, Stability and Resiliency (SSR1) Review Team's work and drafting a document outlining the effectiveness of said implementation.
Workstream 2 - ICANN SSR
Boban Krsic - Rapporteur
Denise Michel
Kerry-Ann Barrett
Noorul Ameen
Norm Ritchie
Žarko Kecić
James Gannon (resigned from SSR2 8 December 2017)
Mandate: Subgroup #3 The group will be responsible for reviewing the completeness and effectiveness of ICANNs internal security processes and the effectiveness of the ICANN security framework.
Workstream 3 - DNS SSR
- Geoff Huston - Rapporteur (resigned form SSR2 16 August 2018)
- Alain Patrick Aina
- Jabhera Matogoro
- Ram Krishna Pariyar
- Mohamad Amin Hasbini
- Eric Osterweil
- Boban Krsic
- Žarko Kecić
- Don Blumenthal (resigned from SSR2 14 April 2018)
- Cathy Handley (resigned from SSR2 3 October 2017)
- Emily Taylor (resigned from SSR2 16 July 2017)
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing ICANNs role in the broader security of the DNS and unique identifiers system, including its role in mitigating threats to the DNS and other unique identities it coordinates.
--- Subgroup #5 - IANA Transition
Eric Osterweil
Geoff Huston
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing the impact of the IANA transition on the security of ICANN and the unique identifier systems it coordinates.
Conference calls
Links to subgroup conference call archives can be found here.
Subgroup #2 - ICANN SSR Workstream 4 - Future Challenges
- Boban Krsic Kerry-Ann Barrett - Rapporteur
- Denise MichelKerry-Ann Barrett
- Eric Osterweil
- Jabhera Matogoro
- Mohamad Amin Hasbini
- Noorul Ameen
Norm Ritchie
- Žarko KecićEmily Taylor (resigned from SSR2 16 July 2017)
Mandate: The group will be responsible for reviewing the completeness and effectiveness of ICANNs internal security processes and the effectiveness of the ICANN security frameworklong term strategy of ICANN to plan for and mitigate potential threats to the secure and resilient operation of the unique identifiers systems it coordinates.
---Subgroup #4 - Future Challenges
Workstream 5 - IANA Transition
- Kerry-Ann Barrett
James Gannon - Rapporteur
- Denise Michel
(resigned from SSR2 8 December 2017)
Eric Osterweil
- Jabhera Matogoro
- Mohamad Amin Hasbini
- Noorul Ameen
Cathy Handley (resigned from SSR2 3 October 2017)
Geoff Huston (resigned from SSR2 16 August 2018)
Mandate: The The group will be responsible for reviewing the long term strategy of ICANN to plan for and mitigate potential threats to the secure and resilient operation of the unique identifiers the impact of the IANA transition on the security of ICANN and the unique identifier systems it coordinates.