Date: Monday, 11 January 2021
Zoom Room :
Password: UIM-WP0123
Action Items: EN
Recording: EN, ES, FR
Zoom Chat: EN
Transcription: EN, ES, FR
Zoom Recording: EN
Dial out Participants:
EN: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Gopal Tadepalli, Carlos Raúl Gutiérrez, Roberto Gaetano, Alan Greenberg, Yrjo Lansipuro, Jonathan Zuck, Hanan Katib, Joanna Kulesza, Judith Hellerstein, Nadira Al-Araj, Natalia Filina, Yrjo Lansipuro, Bill Jouris, David Mackey, Laura Margolis, Maureen Hilyard, Daniel Nanghaka, Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong, Sebastien Bachollet,
Apologies: Justine Chew (standing apology), Cheryl Langdon-Orr
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Melissa Peters Allgood, Michelle DeSmyter
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
Welcome and Roll Call - Staff (2 minutes)
Review of the Agenda - Roberto (2 minutes)
Review of the Action Items from the Call of
4 January - Roberto/All (
5 minutes)
Final Discussion on Question: "None of the ALS Representatives can be RALO Individual Member" - Roberto/All (
5 minutes)
Review of Voting Issue: UIM-WP Voting Issues
- Roberto/All (5 minutes)
Review of the Draft UIM-WP Report - Roberto/All (
35 minutes)
- See:
- Next Steps - Roberto (5 minutes)
AOB - Roberto (1 minute)