Meeting | Date and Time | Assignee and RALO | Report | ||||||||
ALAC Meetings Started at 8 am | Nov 17 November 2013 | Glenn McKnight, NARALO | Photos and Video Playlist of ALAC Fadi's morning speech Steve's afternoon speech http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHeYfhcpf4QR3W-E0GPzTYPBIT3U_JfqM Flickr
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Board Technical Committee meeting | Nov 17 November 2013 | Glenn McKnight, NARALO | Technical session briefly attended to film session, problem with new tripod, returned to ALAC meetings
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LACRALO Showcase | Nov 18 | LACRALO ShowcaseNovember 2013 | Glenn McKnight NARALO | Video and pictures provided to Slyvia for distribution
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Update: Project Presentation | 18 November 2013 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh LACRALO/ALAC | Fadi introduced the session by apologizing for not including the Caribbean during the welcome ceremony when he asked persons from Latin America to stand up to be acknowledged. | ||||||||
Strategic Planning | 18 November 2013 | Dev Anand Teelucksingh LACRALO/ALAC | Interesting presentation on the draft Vision, Mission & 5 draft Focus Areas with goals. The panel comprising members of the ICANN Board presented the draft vision and each draft Focus Area on separate slides and stopped to get feedback from the audience. Relatively small audience (30-40 or so ; in the same room for the welcome ceremony) but interesting feedback focusing a lot on the lack of accountability mentioned in the draft goals. | ||||||||
MSWG - Meeting Strategy Working Group | 18 November 2013 | Eduardo DIaz & sylvia leite | We had a very successful brainstorming meeting to clarify the basic assumptions which will help drive the final scenarios that will be presented for public comments sometime before Singapore. | ||||||||
DNS Women | 18 November 2013 | LACRALO | DNS Women- This time the traditional breakfast on Mondays was organize for SSGI – South School on Internet Governance - http://www.gobernanzainternet.org/ And Olga Caballi explian all their activities until now and invite to apply for the next one in Trinidad & Tobago. We took the opportunity to invite the participants to LACRALO showcase announcing a tango and Argentine folkclore show. | ||||||||
ICANN Law enforcement Session | 18 November 2013 | jose.arce LACRALO | Law enforcement session: I was invited to be part of law enforcement session on Monday and I was part, at the beginning, of the interpretation team because some people did not understand English. The second part of the session was in English. We participated in two training, one in DNS Abuse (David Piscitelli) and DDOs . Then we have some session of technical things. The last session was about investigation in the cyberspace. | Nov 19 | Glenn McKnight, NaraloWere present GAC member of Argentina (Olga Cavalli) and Govermant representative (Ambassador), were present to local police of Buenos Aires (Metropolitana), federal police and Interpol from Argentina. The focus of the day was to train the community in how to address an investigation regarding domain names or IP addresses. | ||||||
Attendance of RALO mtgs for the Metrics WG | 18 November 2013 19 November 2013 | Maureen APRALO | I was able to take advantage of RALO meetings held on-site to be able to take the issue of metrics to the ALSes attending the Buenos Aires. The whole purpose of making a face-to-face approach at the RALO meetings was to seek feedback that could contribute to what the Metrics group needs to acknowledge during its development of metrics that can address the peformance obligations of Section 9 of the ALAC ROPs. | ||||||||
ISOC Chapter event. | 19 November 2013 | Glenn McKnight NARALO | Setup the LIVESTREAM for the event Pictures of the event
| Nov 20 | Genn McKnight, NARALO | ICANN Academy Debriefing meeting. | |||||
ccNSO meeting | 19 November 2013 20 November 2013 | Maureen APRALO | I attended the two day meeting of the ccNSO and at the end of the Council Meeting formally became the ALAC liaison for the ccNSO. The meeting focused on policy issues and their finance report drew much discussion. There were two interesting panel discussions on capacity building and security issues. I was also invited to attend the Council meeting. An ALAC-ccNSO meeting was not as well coordinated as it could have been, but we will address this issue for Singapore. | ||||||||
ICANN Academy Debriefing | 20 November 2013 | Glenn McKnight NARALO | Interesting survey of the 22 participants Only 16 out of 22 finished the survey Most people noticed that the ICANN Online Academy tool that it generally ineffective and that ICANN is making the same type of mistake as the ICANN LABS
ICANN NOMCOM Public Meeting Report by the NOMCOM Chair and introduction to new 2014 membership
AT LARGE ATLAS Planning meeting. Lots of discussion on the communication strategy ie. Webinars, emails etc
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WHOIS Update | 20 November 2013 | holly.raiche APRALO | Panel session on steps being taken to implement the contractual obligations under the existing/revised RAA”
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IRPT D | 20 November 2013 | holly.raiche APRALO | The meeting took a step back to ask the purpose of the IRTP meetings generally – which is to look at the effectiveness of the GNSO Inter-Registrar Transfer Dispute Resolution Policy Generally, and to reconcile/discover inconsistencies in the totality of the policy. Related questions are whether the policy should be open to registrants and, if so, what documentation should they be required to provide. To recap where the group is up to: the downstream implications from the IRTP C report include that registrants were included in the process. On reconsideration, including registrants in the process raises too many questions, about the cost to them of using the process, and what documentation is required. Maybe there should be another process open to registrants – possibly similar to the UDRP concept of mutual jurisdiction and the idea of a specialist panel with knowledge of the industry before taking disputes to court. The issue is the mountain of complaints and recourse for registrants if the registrar in question does not bring an action under the policy. The issue is not just transfers, but non-transfers. Another way to address the issue is to not include registrants in the policy, but include in the policy a requirement that if a registrant requests a registrar to take action on a domain name that has been transferred away, then the registrar must do so. That means that the registrant could then go to ICANN with a complaint against the registrar for non-action. This would mean changing recommendations on ITRP C – but provide a better remedy for registrants rather than bearing the costs of taking a complaint under the policy. | ||||||||
FOIWG | 21 November 2013 | Maureen APRALO | The FOIWG has completed its statement on Revocation and is seeking comments from the wider community. The FOIWG may disband in Singapore unless an education programme is required to address Revocation issues for the GAC. | ||||||||
Privacy/Proxy Services Accreditation Issues PDP Working Group | 21 November 2013 | holly.raiche APRALO | This was the first meeting of the WG. The meeting
In the specification – are just high level principles – and any signatory to the 2013 RAA are bound by the specification. The specification has a sunset date of 2017 for development – after which it will have no effect. The meeting discussed the need for definitions in the specification, particularly its 4 concepts:
In discussion, there should be an additional concept of ‘unmask’ - to indicate revealing information so that it is publicly available, rather than just reveal – which is revealing information to a particular party. Also note a meeting between Paul Wilson, CEO of APNIC with me and Maureen Hilyard on Monday to finalise details on a proposed MoU between APRALO and APNIC – to be officially signed at the Singapore meeting. | ||||||||