Dan O'Neill and Ozan Sahinto to get in touch with At-Large staff on the exact title of the Document Development Pilot.
Dan O'Neill in coordination with Ozan Sahin to clean up the wiki pages and make them more navigable.
Dan O'Neill to consult on the possiblity to have the primers in podcast format (Regional Leaders should send request for podcasts to ICANN Communications)
Dan O'Neill to get in coordination with Ozan Sahin to investigate if there is data for donwloads or wiki views.
All RALO leaders to ask members to review the primers and request feedback
4. RALO Attendance email to be sent by Yesim so all RALOs provide feedback on attendance metrics to At-Large Staff
5. Setting RALO Agenda
for Johannesburg
Silvia Vivanco to share the Draft Agenda by email with RALO leaders.
DRAFT Agenda
4. RALO Professional Expertise capabilities Surveys: EURALO and NARALO
5. AOB
6. Glenn McKnight to send the NARALO GA Report and collaborative document to the RALO secs maililng list