This is the wiki page for At-Large comments on "Limited Public Interest" and "Community Objection" Grounds for the applied for string ".health".
The ALAC has standing to object to a gTLD application on Limited Public Interest Objection Grounds and community objection grounds
The following are the applicants for the ".health" applied for string.
Decision by the gTLD RG (8 February 2013)
Members of the gTLD RG considered the comments from the At-Large community as of February 8 2013 and ranked each factor of the four tests for community objection grounds based on these comments and discussions.
Objection statements on community grounds will be drafted for the applications for .health given that the four tests for community objection grounds were passed. The gTLD RG will attempt to put together the objection statements to the applications for .health in time for RALO review around 22 February 2013.
Draft Objection statement