Notes/ Action Items
Action items: Recommendation 6.1.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.5 -- The Committee agreed on a status of “Partially Complete” as materials currently exist to fulfill this recommendation that can be linked from a general accountability page, and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.6: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.7: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Notes: 1. Welcome a. Work plan status: [] b. Reminder – status designations: - "Complete": Recommended action/decision is completed by the GNSO Council - "Partially Complete": Recommended action/decision is partially completed by the GNSO Council, further implementation may or may not be within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council - "Action/Decision Required": GNSO Council needs to make a decision on whether the recommended action/decision is applicable for action by the GNSO Council and assign an appropriate implementation status in this list - "Not applicable for action": Recommended action/decision and its respective implementation is not within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council - "Implementation Planned": GNSO Council is planning to implement the recommended action/decision - "Implementation Ongoing": GNSO Council’s implementation on the recommended action/decision is ongoing - "Won't be Implemented": Recommended action/decision is within scope to be addressed by the GNSO Council, but GNSO Council chooses not to implement (this may apply to the non-mandatory recommendations) 2. Commence review of Recommendation #6 (see []) Re: WS2 Recommendation 6: Each SO/AC/Group should implement these Good Practices, to the extent these practices are applicable and an improvement over present practices. It is not recommended that implementation of these practices be required. Nor is it recommended that any changes be made to the ICANN Bylaws. It should be noted that the Operational Standards for periodic Organizational Reviews conducted by ICANN could include an assessment of Good Practices implementation in the AC/SO subject to the review. a. Consider recommendations 6.1—6.5 6.1 Accountability: WS2 Recommendation 6.1.1: SO/AC/Groups should document their decision-making methods, indicating any presiding officers, decision-making bodies, and whether decisions are binding or nonbinding. Staff Assessment: “Complete" – Rationale: The GNSO Council has documented its decision-making methods in the GNSO Operating Procedures Chapter 4.0 Voting. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.1 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.2: SO/AC/Groups should document their procedures for members to challenge the process used for an election or formal decision. Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” -- Rationale: A challenge process used for an election or formal decision is not envisioned in the GNSO Council Operating Procedures. The GNSO Council has its designated process and timeline to consider a decision or conduct an election. GNSO Councilors have a reasonable timeframe to provide input prior to a vote. There is an existing mechanism for Councilors to amend or defer a motion. Once a decision is made, it is final. See details in the GNSO Operating Procedures Chapter 4.0 Voting. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.2 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.3: SO/AC/Groups should document their procedures for non-members to challenge decisions regarding their eligibility to become a member. Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: The GNSO Council is a representative body comprised of representatives appointed by GNSO Stakeholder Groups and Constituencies, as well as appointees from the Nominating Committee. Any challenge pertaining to membership eligibility should be addressed at the GNSO SG/C and NomCom level. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.3 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.4: SO/AC/Groups should document unwritten procedures and customs that have been developed in the course of practice, and make them part of their procedural operation documents, charters, and/or bylaws. Staff Assessment: “Complete" -- Rationale: The GNSO Council is known for having extensive procedures in its various areas of work, and this is reflected in the GNSO Operating Procedures, its annexes, and other procedures and processes as documented on this webpage. The GNSO Framework for Continuous Improvement Oversight and Implementation allows for the continuous scoping and execution of projects that are focused on GNSO structural, procedural, and process improvements. Forward looking, any additional unwritten procedures and customs that need to be memorialized can be addressed by the CCOICI. Since the GNSO Council already has a mechanism in place (i.e., CCOICI) to tackle further implementation work (if necessary), staff considered WS2.Rec 2.1.4 complete. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.4 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.5: Each year, SO/AC/Groups should publish a brief report on what they have done during the prior year to improve accountability, transparency, and participation, describe where they might have fallen short, and any plans for future improvements. Staff Assessment: “Action / Decision Required” -- Rationale: The GNSO Council currently does not have a dedicated report on accountability, transparency, and participation. However, the GNSO Council already publishes a variety of materials, such as the Strategic Planning Session meeting report, to assess GNSO Council's effectiveness as a policy development process manager. Other materials such as the candidate statement of GNSO Chairs during elections, GNSO Policy Update webinar, and GNSO Policy Briefing also provide supplementary information on GNSO PDPs’ participation levels, progresses, and challenges, helping hold the GNSO Council accountable for its manager role. Since a dedicated report on the accountability subject does not exist, CCOICI may wish to consider whether the current materials are sufficient to satisfy the WS2.Rec. 6.1.5, and whether the GNSO Council should develop such a dedicated report on an annual basis. This recommendation is intended to serve as a “best practice” suggestion and is non-mandatory. Staff Suggestion for Completing Implementation of 6.1.5: If the CCOICI considers the implementation of this recommendation necessary and proposes to the GNSO Council to develop a dedicated report on accountability, transparency, and participation, please see staff suggested approach for implementation in Recommendation 6.1.5 in later part of this working document. Discussion: - Note that this recommendation is not mandatory, just a best practice. There are multiple briefing materials that are produced throughout the year. - We also have the monthly project packages that the Council reviews – the project management tools. These records are publicly available. - If an annual report was envisioned the Council/CCOICI would have to consider the resources required and the purpose it would serve separate from the existing materials. - What would the CCOICI have to do if it decided not to implement this item? - Could we have language on the GNSO website pointing to where materials relating to accountability may be found? - Believe that the Coordination Group (CG) will look at this at an overarching level. This CG has been considering this item and the staff supporting the CG has suggested the development of a template in a community wiki. If a community group decides to produce an annual report it would be posted on the wiki page. Links could also be listed to existing GNSO materials. This seems to be a tool to allow for reporting. - What is the appropriate label for this recommendation? Can it be marked as complete given there are existing materials to which links can be provided? - If we think about the results of ATRT3 and the wholistic review the intent is for continuous improvement, including annual reports. Most of the items already produced would be the types of materials that would go into such a report. - I think the template is being reviewed in the context of the CG so we could point to that and note that there is support for linking to relevant information through that template? So no immediate action required, but point to the other work that is ongoing. - Could mark this as “Partially Complete” because the wiki page has not been established; staff could touch base with staff supporting the CG and socialize the idea of linking material to the wiki to determine if this could be considered complete. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.5 -- The Committee agreed on a status of “Partially Complete” as materials currently exist to fulfill this recommendation that can be linked from a general accountability page, and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.6: Each Empowered Community (EC) Decisional Participant should publicly disclose any decision it submits to the EC. Publication should include description of processes followed to reach the decision Staff Assessment: “Complete" -- Rationale: All GNSO Council decisions, including decisions submitted to the EC, are published on the GNSO website in the form of resolutions. All communications from the GNSO Council to other entities, including the EC administration, other community groups, the ICANN Board, the ICANN Org, are published on the correspondence page of the GNSO website. In addition, the GNSO Council has a set of guidelines and templates that help the GNSO fulfill its role and obligation as a Decisional Participant in the Empowered Community (EC). These guidelines include requirement, process, and time frame for publicly disclosing decisions the GNSO Council submits to the EC. See the GNSO Council Procedures webpage for more detail. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.6 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. WS2 Recommendation 6.1.7: Links to SO/AC transparency and accountability (policies, procedures, and documented practices) should be available from ICANN’s main website, under “accountability.” ICANN staff would have the responsibility to maintain those links on the ICANN website. Staff Assessment: “Not Applicable for Action” – Rationale: This recommendation is pertaining to ICANN staff’s responsibility to include relevant links on the main website, hence not applicable for action by the GNSO Council. Discussion: - At a later date the GNSO Council may need to coordinate to make sure the right links are included on the general accountability page. ACTION ITEM: Recommendation 6.1.7 -- The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. b. Confirm status designation ACTION ITEMS: Recommendation 6.1.1: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.2: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.3: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.4: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.5 -- The Committee agreed on a status of “Partially Complete” as materials currently exist to fulfill this recommendation that can be linked from a general accountability page, and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.6: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Complete” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. Recommendation 6.1.7: The Committee confirms the staff assessment of “Not Applicable for Action” and notifies the GNSO Council accordingly. 3. Confirm next steps & next meeting (Wednesday 29 June at 12.00 UTC) - Start with 6.2 Transparency at the next meeting. - CCOICI is on or ahead of schedule so we don’t have to meet the week following ICANN74. No problem to reconvene on the 29th. |