- Welcome
- Consider possible changes to the following language currently contained in the proposed updates to the SOI: “If professional ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing this information, please provide details on which ethical obligations prevent you from disclosing and provide a high level description of the entity that you are representing without disclosing its name, for example ‘I represent a Registry client’ or ‘I am representing a non-GNSO related entity.” (see also public comments submitted: [])
- Confirm whether the following language to be included in the GNSO Operating Procedures provides sufficient flexibility to make updates to the SOI as deemed necessary: “The detailed questions will be made publicly available and may be reviewed and revised by the GNSO Council from time to time using its relevant processes”. (see also public comments submitted: [])
- Review updated version of Recommendations Report (see attached) and consider outstanding issues:
- SOI Samples
- Pilot
- Confirm next steps