Documents: PDF -ATRT3 Leadership Call Slides | PDF - ATRT3 F2F #1 Draft Agenda Agenda Slides
AC Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
- Plenary call agenda (including changes mentioned on today's call) is approved
Action Items:Plenary:
- add
- Add "Brief update from ICANN64" to the plenary call #05 agenda
- Add slide on "identified topics of review" in the meeting invitation itself.
- Face-
- to
- -Face Meeting #01 agenda: add terms of reference, when speaking about Scope.
- Face-to-Face Meeting #01 agenda: add a note that "Timings are approximate, content is subject to updates."
- Face-to-Face Meeting #01: Ask meetings team about the possibility to have two displays (main ac room, and observer ac room) projected in the meeting room.
- Identify timezone of review team members participating remotely during the face-to-face meeting
- Add a long discussion on Face-to-Face Meeting #01 agenda about future face-to-face meetings agenda
- Potentially add discussion on "assessment of other specific reviews" to plenary call #06 agenda
- Face-to-Face Meeting #01: add information about how to get from the hotel to ICANN offices