Apologies: Cathrin Bauer-Bulst
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI updates
- Subgroups Status Update
- Face-to-face meeting agenda
- ICANN 62
- Face-to-Face Meeting #3
- A.O.B.
- Confirm Decisions Reached and Action Items
Zoom Chat: EN
Decisions Reached:
- Timeline proposed to populate findings slides is approved:
- 9 April COB – Draft slides sent to Rapporteurs
- 12 April COB – Rapporteurs send final updates to slides
- 13 April COB – Support team circulates final slide-deck
- Draft agenda for Brussels meeting is pre-approved at leadership level (subject to changes based on subgroup output)
Action Items:
- - ICANN org to pre-populate subgroup report for Safeguarding Registrant Data Subgroup
- - On plenary call consider potential overlap between subgroups (e.g. Common Interface Subgroup and Outreach Subgroup)
- - ICANN org to provide a draft subgroup report for Common Interface Subgroup which includes clarifications on potential areas of overlap with other subgroups
- - ICANN org to reiterate ask for Erika to share draft subgroup report (google doc) with subgroup
- - ICANN org to invert on face-to-face meeting agenda items 2 and 1 on day 1
- - ICANN org to prepare an overview of rapporteurs updates and their allocated time at the face-to-face meeting in a document/slide
- - ICANN org to regularly check in with rapporteurs on subgroup report progress
- - ICANN org to prepare a poll for RT members for a 2 days face-to-face meeting in August (first two weeks)