RT4 – WHOIS Policy Review Team Members
SO/AC Candidates
Independent Experts
- Emily Taylor (UK)
- James Bladel (US)
- Kathy Kleiman (US)
- Kim von Arx (CA)
- Lutz Donnerhacke (DE)
- Olivier Iteanu (FR)
- Omar Kaminski (BR)
- Sarmad Hussain (PK)
- Susan Kawaguchi (US)
- Wilfried Woeber (AT)
- Bill Smith (US)
- Lynn Goodendorf (US)
Law Enforcement Representatives
- Sharon Lemon (UK)
The Selectors or their Designated Nominees
- 14 July 2011 - ALAC representative, Olivier Iteanu, resigns due to professional workload reasons.
- 9 September 2011 – The Review Team Selectors, Heather Dryden and Rod Beckstrom, appoint a new member to replace Olivier Iteanu on the WHOIS Policy Review Team. Seth Reiss joins the WHOIS Team as ALAC representative.
- 14 October 2011 - GNSO representative, Kim Von Arx, resigns due to professional workload reasons